VMWare::LabmanSoap - access Vmware Labmanager SOAP API


Version 0.99


This module has been tested using Labmanger 4.0 (

Code to checkout, deploy, undeploy and delete a configuration:

 	use LabmanSoapInternal;
 	$libraryConfigName = "lib_config_name";
	$mySoapObj = LabmanSoapInternal->new('LM_Username','LM_Password','LM_Hostname','Organization_Name','WorkSpace_Name');

 	#Get the id of the config you are going to check out 
 	@lib_config_id = $mySoapObj->GetSingleConfigurationByName("${libraryConfigName}","id");

 	#Checkout the config
 	$checked_out_config_id  = $mySoapObj->ConfigurationCheckout($lib_config_id[0],"NEW_WORKSPACE_NAME");

 	#Deploy the config
 	$mySoapObj->ConfigurationDeploy($checked_out_config_id,4); # The 4 is for the fencemode

	#Deploy the config to DVS
	$mySoapObj->ConfigurationDeployEx2($checked_out_config_id,2); # 2 is the id of the network

 	#Undeploy the config

 	#Delete the config

	#Check for last SOAP error
	if ($mySoapObj->{'LASTERROR'}->{'detail'}->{'message'}->{'format'}) { print };


This module provides a Perl interface to VMWare's Labmanager SOAP interface. It has a one-to-one mapping for most of the commands exposed in the external API as well as a few commands exposed in the internal API. The most useful Internal API command is ConfigurationDeployEx2 which allows you to deploy to distributed virtual switches.

Using this module you can checkout, deploy, undeploy and delete configurations. You can also get lists of configurations and guest information as well.

Lab Manager is a product created by VMWare that provides development and test teams with a virtual environment to deploy systems and networks of systems in a short period of a time.



This method creates the Labmanager object.


  • username

  • password

  • hostname

  • organization

  • workspace


This method captures a Workspace configuration and saves it to a specified Lab Manager storage server with a name.


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.

  • New library name - The name that you want the captured config to be.


This method checks out a configuration from the configuration library and moves it to the Workspace under a different name. It returns the ID of the checked out configuration in the WorkSpace.


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.

  • New workspace name - The name you want the new config in the workspace to be.


This method clones a Workspace configuration, saves it in a storage server, and makes it visible in the Workspace under the new name. Arguements:


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.

  • New workspace name - The name of the clone that is being created.


This method deletes a configuration from the Workspace. You cannot delete a deployed configuration. Doesn't return anything. Arguments:


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.


This method allows you to deploy an undeployed configuration which resides in the Workspace.


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.

  • Fencemode - 1 = not fenced; 2 = block traffic in and out; 3 = allow out ; 4 allow in and out


This method allows you to deploy an undeployed configuration which resides in the Workspace to a Distributed Virtual Switch. Arguments:


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.

  • Network ID

  • Fencemode(string) - Choices: Nonfenced or FenceBlockInAndOut or FenceAllowOutOnly or FenceAllowInAndOut


This method performs one of the following configuration actions as indicated by the action identifier:

1 Power On. Turns on a configuration.
2 Power Off. Turns off a configuration. Nothing is saved.
3 Suspend. Freezes the CPU and state of a configuration.
4 Resume. Resumes a suspended configuration.
5 Reset. Reboots a configuration.
6 Snapshot. Saves a configuration state at a specific point in time.


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.

  • Action - use a numerical value from the list above.


Use this call to set the state of a configuration to public” or private.” If the configuration state is public, others are able to access this configuration. If the configuration is private, only its owner can view it.


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.

  • True or False (boolean) - Accepts true | false | 1 | 0


Undeploys a configuration in the Workspace. Nothing is returned.


  • Configuration ID - Use the GetConfigurationByName method to retrieve this if you do not know it.


This method prints a list of attributes of a Configuration matching the configuration ID passed. It will return an array if you specify which attributes you would like to access


  • Config Name

  • Attribute(s) (optional) - if left blank, prints out and returns an array of all attributes.


  • mustBeFenced

  • autoDeleteDateTime

  • bucketName

  • name

  • autoDeleteInMilliSeconds

  • description

  • isDeployed

  • fenceMode

  • id

  • type

  • isPublic

  • dateCreated


This call takes the numeric identifier of a machine and returns its corresponding Machine object.


  • Machine ID - Use GetMachineByName to retrieve this

  • Attribute(s) (optional) - if left blank, prints out and returns an array of all attributes.


  • configID

  • macAddress

  • status

  • OwnerFullName

  • name

  • description

  • isDeployed

  • internalIP

  • memory

  • DatastoreNameResidesOn

  • id


This call takes a configuration identifier and a machine name and returns the matching Machine object.


  • Configuration ID - Config where Guest VM lives

  • Name of guest

  • Attribute(s) (optional) - if left blank, prints out and returns an array of all attributes.


  • configID

  • macAddress

  • status

  • OwnerFullName

  • name

  • description

  • isDeployed

  • internalIP

  • memory

  • DatastoreNameResidesOn

  • id


This call takes a configuration name, searches for it in both the configuration library and workspace and returns its corresponding Configuration object. Returns an array of attributes or one or more specified attributes.


  • Configuration name

  • Attribute(s) (optional) - if left blank, prints out and returns an array of all attributes.


  • mustBeFenced

  • autoDeleteDateTime

  • bucketName (aka workspace)

  • name

  • autoDeleteInMilliSeconds

  • description

  • isDeployed

  • fenceMode

  • id

  • type

  • isPublic

  • dateCreated


This method prints a list of Type Configuration. Depending on configuration type requested, one object is returned for each configuration in the configuration library or each configuration in the workspace.


  • configurationType (Configuration Type must be either 1 for Workspace or 2 for Library)


This method returns an array of type Machine. The method returns one Machine object for each virtual machine in a configuration.


  • Configuration ID

This method allows you to create a LiveLink URL to a library configuration. Responds with a livelink URL


  • config Name


This method performs one of the following machine actions as indicated by the action identifier:

1 Power on. Turns on a machine.
2 Power off. Turns off a machine. Nothing is saved.
3 Suspend. Freezes a machine CPU and state.
4 Resume. Resumes a suspended machine.
5 Reset. Reboots a machine.
6 Snapshot. Save a machine state at a specific point in time.
7 Revert. Returns a machine to a snapshot state.
8 Shutdown. Shuts down a machine before turning off.


  • Action (use numeral from list aboive)

  • Machine ID


Returns last error reported by SOAP service.


David F. Kinder, Jr,




VMWare Labamanger VMWare Labmanager SOAP API Guide VMWare Lab Manager: Automated Reconfiguration of Transiently Used Infrastructure

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 377:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'public”'. Assuming UTF-8