Changes for version 0.13_004
- Fixed issue where the global flag was not set on the regular expression that strips the SGML tags, causing only the first tag to be removed.
Changes for version 0.13_003
- Added where if content-type of response is text/html all SGML tags are stripped.
Changes for version 0.13_002
- Fixed issue where new regular expressions were not compatible with Perl 5.8 (introduced in 0.13_001)
- Add support for X-Nagios-Performance
- Refactoring of the `check` method
- Bottom sections of POD rewritten
Changes for version 0.13_001
- Added initial support for performance data handling from the remote plugin.
Nagios plugin to check over the HTTP protocol.
Types library for Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP
Represents performance data of a Nagios plugin