Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 10:23:26 -0700 Reply-To: Discussion about the Apache ModPerl Module <MODPERL@LISTPROC.ITRIBE.NET> Sender: Discussion about the Apache ModPerl Module <MODPERL@LISTPROC.ITRIBE.NET> From: Randal Schwartz <merlyn@STONEHENGE.COM> Subject: little test harness I wrote To: MODPERL@LISTPROC.ITRIBE.NET X-UIDL: b26a138c4eae804406c0b5333362ce1b

Might be useful to tell if you are mod_perl'ing or just CGI-ing:

Notice the "reuse" count. If you are running in mod_perl, that'll tell you how many times each script has been used after the first compile. For CGI, that'll always be "1", and the process will be relatively short-lived.

It also dumps out all those other cool things. Very handy for peeking under the hood.

Doug, if you wanna stick this in contrib, feel free.

-- Name: Randal L. Schwartz / Stonehenge Consulting Services (503)777-0095 Keywords: Perl training, UNIX[tm] consulting, video production, skiing, flying Email: <> Snail: (Call) PGP-Key: (finger Web: <A HREF="">My Home Page!</A> Quote: "I'm telling you, if I could have five lines in my .sig, I would!" -- me