Apache - Perl interface to the Apache server API
require Apache;
#using API
$req = Apache->request;
$host = $req->get_remote_host;
$user = $req->connection->user;
$req->send_http_header; # actually start a reply
$req->write_client (
"Hey you from $host! <br>\n",
"I bet your name is $user. <br>\n",
"Yippe! <hr>\n",
#or setup a CGI environment
$r = Apache->request;
%ENV = $r->cgi_env;
#Apache's i/o is not stream oriented
#so you cannot print() to your script's STDOUT
#and you cannont read() from STDIN (yet)
$r->print (
"Content-type: text/html\n\n",
"Hey you from $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}! <br>\n",
"I bet your name is $ENV{REMOTE_USER}. <br>\n",
"Yippe! <hr>\n",
This module provides a Perl interface the Apache API. It's here mainly for mod_perl, but may be used for other Apache modules that wish to embed a Perl interpreter.
- request()
Create a request object. This is really a request_rec * in disguise.
$req = Apache->request;
- get_remote_host()
Lookup the client's hostname, return it if found.
$remote_host = $req->get_remote_host();
- content_type()
Get or set the content type being sent to the client.
$type = $req->content_type; $req->content_type("text/plain");
- content_encoding()
Get or set the content encoding.
$enc = $req->content_encoding; $req->content_encoding("gzip");
- content_language()
Get or set the content language.
$lang = $req->content_language; $req->content_language("en");
- status()
Get or set the reply status for the client request.
$code = $req->status; $req->status(200);
- status_line()
Get or set the response status line.
$resp = $req->status_line; $req->status_line("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
- header_out()
Change the value of a response header, or create a new one.
$req->header_out("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic");
- err_header_out()
Change the value of an error response header, or create a new one.
$req->err_headers_out("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic");
- no_cache()
Boolean, on or off.
- basic_http_header()
Send the response line along with 'Server' and 'Date' headers.
- send_http_header()
Send the response line and all headers to the client. (Calls basic_http_header)
- internal_redirect_handler()
Redirect to a location in the server's namespace without telling the client.
- read_client_block()
Read entity body sent by the client.
%headers_in = $req->headers_in; $req->read_client_block($buf, $headers_in{'Content-length'});
- read()
Friendly alias for read_client_block()
$req->read($buf, $headers_in{'Content-length'});
- write_client()
Send a list of data to the client.
- print()
Friendly alias for write_client()
- send_fd()
Send the contents of a file to the client.
- log_reason()
The request failed, why??
$req->log_reason("Because I felt like it", $req->filename);
- log_error()
Uh, oh.
$req->log_error("Some text that goes in the error_log");
- cgi_env()
Setup a standard CGI environment.
%ENV = $req->cgi_env();
NOTE: 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' is set to 'CGI-Perl/1.1' so you can say:
if($ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} =~ /^CGI-Perl/) { #do mod_perl stuff } else { #do normal CGI stuff }
- send_cgi_header()
Take action on certain headers including 'Status', 'Location' and 'Content-type' just as mod_cgi does, then calls send_http_header().
$req->send_cgi_header(<<EOF); Location: /foo/bar Content-type: text/html EOF
- headers_in()
Return a %hash of client request headers.
%headers_in = $req->headers_in();
- header_in()
Return the value of a client header.
$ct = $req->header_in("Content-type");
- args()
Return the contents of the query string; When called in a scalar context, the entire string is returned. When called in a list context, a list of parsed key => value pairs are returned.
$query_string = $req->args; #split on '&' and '=' %in = $req->args;
- content()
Return the entity body as read from the client. When called in a scalar context, the entire string is returned. When called in a list context, a list of parsed key => value pairs are returned. *NOTE*: you can only ask for this once, as the entire body is read from the client.
$content = $req->content; #split on '&' and '=' %in = $req->content;
- unescape_url()
Handy function for unescapes.
- allow_options(), is_perlaliased()
Methods for checking if it's ok to run a perl script.
if(!($r->allow_options & OPT_EXECCGI) && !$r->is_perlaliased) { $r->log_reason("Options ExecCGI is off in this directory", $filename);
- more request info
$method = $req->method; #GET, POST, etc. $protocol = $req->protocol; #HTTP/1.x $uri = $req->uri; #requested uri $script_file = $req->filename; #the uri->filename translation $path_info = $req->path_info; #path_info
- connection()
Return an object reference to the request connection. This is really a conn_rec * in disguise.
$conn = $req->connection; $remote_host = $conn->remote_host; $remote_ip = $conn->remote_ip; $remote_logname = $conn->remote_logname; #The remote username if authenticated. $remote_user = $conn->user; #The authentication scheme used, if any. $auth_type = $conn->auth_type; #close connection to the client $conn->close;
- server()
Return an object reference to the server info. This is really a server_rec * in disguise.
$srv = $req->server; $server_admin = $srv->server_admin; $hostname = $srv->server_hostname; $port = $srv->port;
perl(1), Apache::Registry(3), Apache::CGI(3), Apache::Debug(3), Apache::Options(3)
Gisle Aas <> and Doug MacEachern <>
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 120:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 368:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'