INSTALL - Apache mod_perl installation instructions
How to build, test, configure and install mod_perl
Apache version 1.1, 1.1.1 or 1.2b0+
Perl version 5.003 or higher
If you do not have Perl version 5.003_01 or higher, fetch and install ExtUtils::Embed from CPAN <URL:>
Build and install mod_perl
In this current directory run:
perl Makefile.PL
make test (optional)
make install
Makefile.PL will search for apache source trees to configure against, if no source trees are found, you will be prompted for a path to one. You will be prompted for each source tree found, if you answer 'y', httpd will be configured and built when you say 'make'. If you answer 'n', see the instructions below on how to build by hand.
In either case, you need to 'make install' so the perl side of mod_perl will be installed.
Testing mod_perl
Running 'make test' will start an httpd on port 8005 running as user 'nobody' in group 'no group', the httpd will be terminated when the tests are finshed.
See t/README on how to run the mod_perl test suite by hand
Building apache and mod_perl by hand
** Only if you did not let Makefile.PL take care of this already **
Copy the source files into the apache build directory: (For apache versions < 1.2 you'll need to mkdir src/modules/ first)
cp -r src/modules/perl apache_xxx/src/modules/
Copy src/Makefile.tmpl to apache_xxx/src/ for apache_1.1.1 - or - Copy src/Makefile.tmpl-1.2 to apache_xxx/src/ for apache_1.2
Edit apache_xxx/src/Configuration (if you don't have Configuration yet, this should be a copy of Configuration.tmpl in the same directory):
For mod_perl add:
Module perl_module modules/perl/libmodperl.a
We suggest you add this entry at the end of the Configuration file if you want your callback hooks to have precedence over core handlers.
Follow the apache install docs from there
Installing on multiple machines
You may wish to build httpd once, then copy it to other machines. The Perl side of mod_perl needs the apache headers files to compile, to avoid dragging and build apache on all your other machines, there are a few Makefile targets to help you out:
'make tar_Apache'
This will tar all files mod_perl installs in your 'site_perl' directory, into a file called 'Apache.tar'. You can then unpack this under 'site_perl' on another machine.
'make offsite-tar'
This will copy all header files from the apache source directroy you configured mod_perl against, then it will 'make dist' where you'll a mod_perl-x.xx.tar.gz created, ready to unpack on another machine to compile and install the Perl side of mod_perl.
This install includes the module Apache::Registry, which uses the standard module 'FileHandle'. There was a bug in the version of this module, that came with perl5.003, so if your perl is not younger than 5.003 we suggest you apply the patch 'FileHandle.patch' to fix the problem until it is fixed in the standard distribution of Perl. Although, it is a strange bug, you might not even see it without the patch...
You may also wish to edit the on/off switches for callback hooks during request stages in src/modules/perl/Makefile. The default is that most callbacks are disabled.
Type 'perldoc mod_perl' for info on configuring, running and writing Apache/Perl scripts and modules.
Using PerlIO
See 'perldoc mod_perl' for an explaination See the Perl INSTALL document for more information.
To hookup STDOUT and STDIN to the client I configure my Perl like so:
% Configure -des -Duseperlio -Dusesfio
For comments, questions, bug-reports, announcements, etc., send mail to with the string "subscribe modperl" in the body. (Thanks to Mark A. Imbriaco <>)
Thanks to James Cooper <>, there is a hypermail archive for this list at:
Please send mail to with the output of:
Output of perl -v; perl -V
version of the mod_perl package.
which script from the eg/ directory you are using. (please try a script from there first.)
your apache server version details and your server configuration.
the output of 'make test'
if you get a core dump, please send a backtrace if possible.
if you can compile but not run a mod_perl script, recompile with:
then send the output of the server startup and run