mod_perl - Embed a Perl interpreter in the Apache server
The Apache/Perl integration project brings together the full power of the Perl programming language and the Apache HTTP server. This is achieved by linking the Perl runtime library into the server and providing an object oriented Perl interface to the server's C language API. These pieces are seamlessly glued together by the `mod_perl' server plugin, making it is possible to write Apache modules entirely in Perl. In addition, the persistent interpreter embedded in the server avoids the overhead of starting an external interpreter and the penalty of Perl start-up (compile) time.
Without question, the most popular Apache/Perl module is Apache::Registry module. This module emulates the CGI environment, allowing programmers to write scripts that run under CGI or mod_perl without change. Existing CGI scripts may require some changes, simply because a CGI script has a very short lifetime of one HTTP request, allowing you to get away with "quick and dirty" scripting. Using mod_perl and Apache::Registry requires you to be more careful, but it also gives new meaning to the work "quick"! Apache::Registry maintains a cache of compiled scripts, which happens the first time a script is accessed by a child server or once again if the file is updated on disk.
Although it may be all you need, a speedy CGI replacement is only a small part of this project. Callback hooks are in place for each stage of a request. Apache-Perl modules may step in during the handler, header parser, uri translate, authentication, authorization, access, type check, fixup and logger stages of a request.
Patrick Kane <> maintains the mod_perl FAQ available at:
Apache/Perl API
See 'perldoc Apache' for info on how to use the Perl-Apache API.
See the lib/ directory for example modules and apache-modlist.html for a comprehensive list.
See the eg/ directory for example scripts.
For using mod_perl as a CGI replacement, the recommended configuration is as follows:
Alias /perl/ /real/path/to/perl-scripts/
<Location /perl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI
Now, any file accessed under /perl will be handled by mod_perl and the Apache::Registry module. The file must exist and be executable, in addition, 'Options ExecCGI' must be turned on. See the Apache::Registry module for details.
By default, mod_perl does not send any headers by itself, however, you may wish to change this:
PerlSendHeader On
With the recommended configuration, these options and Perl version 5.003_93 or higher (or 5.003_xx version with sfio), scripts running under Apache::Registry will look just like "normal" CGI scripts. See eg/ as an example.
You may load additional modules via:
PerlModule Apache::SSI SomeOther::Module
There is a limit of 10 PerlModule's, if you need more to be loaded when the server starts, use one PerlModule to pull in many or use the PerlScript directive described below.
PerlScript /full/path/to/
This script will be loaded when the server starts. See eg/ for an example to start with.
In an access.conf <Directory /foo> or .htaccess you need:
PerlHandler sub_routine_name
This is the name of the subroutine to call to handle each request. e.g. in the PerlModule Apache::Registry this is "Apache::Registry::handler".
If PerlHandler is not a defined subroutine, mod_perl assumes it is a package name which defines a subroutine named "handler".
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Would load (if it is not already) and call it's subroutine "handler".
There are several stages of a request where the Apache API allows a module to step in and do something. The Apache documentation will tell you all about those stages and what your modules can do. By default, these hooks are disabled at compile time, see the INSTALL document for information on enabling these hooks. The following configuration directives take one argument, which is the name of the subroutine to call. If the value is not a subroutine name, mod_perl assumes it is a package name which implements a 'handler' subroutine.
PerlHeaderParser (requires apache1.2b5 or higher)
Apache's i/o is not stream oriented. So, unless you have perl version 5.003_93 or higher, by default, you cannot print() to STDOUT from your script, use $r->print() instead. Nor can you read() from STDIN, use $r->read() or the $r->content methods to read POST data. In post 5.003 versions of Perl, two mechanisms have been introduced which allows redirecting the STDIN and STDOUT streams.
One mechanism takes advantage of the PerlIO abstraction and sfio discipline structures, such that STDIN and STDOUT are hooked up to the client by default if you configured perl with -Dusesfio (see Perl's INSTALL doc).
Otherwise, mod_perl will tie() STDOUT and STDIN to the client. In order for this to work, you must have Perl version 5.003_93 or higher.
Under CGI the Perl hash %ENV
is magical in that it inherits environment variables from the parent process and will set them should a process spawn a child. However, with mod_perl we're in the parent process that would normally setup the common environment variables before spawning a CGI process. Therefore, mod_perl must feed these variables to %ENV
directly. Normally, this does not happen until the response stage of a request when PerlHandler
is called. If you wish to set variables that will be available before then, such as for a PerlAuthenHandler
, you may use the PerlSetEnv
configuration directive:
PerlSetEnv SomeKey SomeValue
Using and CGI::* users must have version 2.32 of the package or higher, earlier versions will not work under mod_perl. If you have Perl version 5.003_93 or higher (or _xx+ version w/ sfio) , scripts may 'use CGI'. Otherwise, scripts need to 'use CGI::Switch' so i/o goes through Apache-> methods, this will also work with later versions of Perl.
The CGI::* modules (CGI::Request etal.) can be used untouched if your Perl is configured to use sfio and the following directive is present in the directory configuration:
PerlSendHeader On
If you use the SendHeaders()
function, be sure to call $req_obj->cgi->done when you are done with a request, just as you would under CGI::MiniSrv.
No matter what, your httpd will be larger than normal to start, simply because you've linked with perl's runtime.
Here's I'm just running
% /usr/bin/perl -e '1 while 1'
10214 dougm 67 0 668K 212K run 0:04 71.55% 21.13% perl
Now with a few random modules:
% /usr/bin/perl -MDBI -MDBD::mSQL -MLWP::UserAgent -MFileHandle -MIO -MPOSIX -e '1 while 1'
10545 dougm 49 0 3732K 3340K run 0:05 54.59% 21.48% perl
Here's my httpd linked with libperl.a, not having served a single request:
10386 dougm 5 0 1032K 324K sleep 0:00 0.12% 0.11% httpd-a
You can reduce this if you configure perl 5.003_xx+ with -Duseshrplib. Here's my httpd linked with, not having served a single request:
10393 dougm 5 0 476K 368K sleep 0:00 0.12% 0.10% httpd-s
Now, once the server starts receiving requests, the embedded interpreter will compile code for each 'require' file it has not seen yet, each new Apache::Registry subroutine that's compiled, along with whatever modules it's use'ing or require'ing. Not to mention AUTOLOADing. (Modules that you 'use' will be compiled when the server starts unless they are inside an eval block.) httpd will grow just as big as our /usr/bin/perl would, or a CGI process for that matter, it all depends on your setup.
Newer Perl versions also have other options to reduce runtime memory consumption. See Perl's INSTALL file for details on -DPACK_MALLOC
. With these options, my httpd shrinks down ~150K.
For me, once everything is compiled, the processes no longer grow, I can live with the size at that point. For others, this size might be too big, or they might be using a module that leaks or have code of their own that leaks, in any case using the apache configuration directive 'MaxRequestsPerChild' is your best bet to keep the size down, but at the same time, you'll be slowing things down when Apache::Registry scripts have to recompile. Tradeoffs...
Normally when you run perl from the command line or have the shell invoke it with `#!', you may choose to pass perl switch arguments such as -w
or -T
. Since the command line is only parsed once, when the server starts, these switches are unavailable to mod_perl scripts. However, most command line arguments have a perl special variable equivilant. For example, the $^W
variable coresponds to the -w
switch. Consult perlvar for more details. The switch which enables taint checks does not have a special variable, so mod_perl provides the PerlTaintCheck directive to turn on taint checks. In httpd.conf, enable with:
PerlTaintCheck On
Now, any and all code compiled inside httpd will be checked.
Another popular use of mod_perl is to take advantage of it's persistance to maintain open database connections. The basic idea goes like so:
#Apache::Registry script
use strict;
use vars qw($dbh);
$dbh ||= SomeDbPackage->connect(...);
Since $dbh
is a global variable, it will not go out of scope, keeping the connection open for the lifetime of a server process, establishing it during the script's first request for that process.
It's recommended that you use one of the Apache::* database connection wrappers. Currently for DBI users there is Apache::DBI
and for Sybase users Apache::Sybase::DBlib
. These modules hide the peculiar code example above. In addition, different scripts may share a connection, minimizing resource consumption. Example:
use strict;
my $dbh = Apache::DBI->connect(...);
Although $dbh shown here will go out of scope when the script ends, the Apache::DBI module's reference to it does not, keep the connection open.
With the mod_perl stacked handlers mechanism, it is possible for more than one Perl*Handler to be defined and run during each stage of a request.
Perl*Handler directives can define any number of subroutines, e.g. (in config files)
PerlTransHandler OneTrans TwoTrans RedTrans BlueTrans
With the method, Apache->push_handlers, callbacks can be added to the stack by scripts at runtime by mod_perl scripts.
Apache->push_handlers takes the callback hook name as it's first argument and a subroutine name or reference as it's second. e.g.:
Apache->push_handlers("PerlLogHandler", \&first_one);
$r->push_handlers("PerlLogHandler", sub {
print STDERR "__ANON__ called\n";
return 0;
After each request, this stack is cleared out.
All handlers will be called unless a handler returns a status other than OK or DECLINED, this needs to be considered more. Post apache-1.2 will have a DONE return code to signal termiation of a stage, which Rob and I came up with while back when first discussing the idea of stacked handlers. 2.0 won't come for quite sometime, so mod_perl will most likely handle this before then.
example uses: maintains a global object for it's plain function interface. Since the object is global, it does not go out of scope, DESTROY is never called. CGI->new can call:
Apache->push_handlers("PerlCleanupHandler", \&CGI::_reset_globals);
This function will be called during the final stage of a request, refreshing's globals before the next request comes in.
Apache::DCELogin establishes a DCE login context which must exist for the lifetime of a request, so the DCE::Login object is stored in a global variable. Without stacked handlers, users must set
PerlCleanupHandler Apache::DCELogin::purge
in the configuration files to destroy the context. This is not "user-friendly". Now, Apache::DCELogin::handler can call:
Apache->push_handlers("PerlCleanupHandler", \&purge);
Persistent database connection modules such as Apache::DBI could push a PerlCleanupHandler handler that iterates over %Connected, refreshing connections or just checking that ones have not gone stale. Remember, by the time we get to PerlCleanupHandler, the client has what it wants and has gone away, we can spend as much time as we want here without slowing down response time to the client.
PerlTransHandlers may decide, based or uri or other condition, whether or not to handle a request, e.g. Apache::MsqlProxy. Without stacked handlers, users must configure:
PerlTransHandler Apache::MsqlProxy::translate
PerlHandler Apache::MsqlProxy
PerlHandler is never actually invoked unless translate() sees the request is a proxy request ($r->proxyreq), if it is a proxy request, translate() set $r->handler("perl-script"), only then will PerlHandler handle the request. Now, users do not have to specify 'PerlHandler Apache::MsqlProxy', the translate() function can set it with push_handlers().
Includes, footers, headers, etc., piecing together a document, imagine (no need for SSI parsing!):
PerlHandler My::Header Some::Body A::Footer
This was my first test:
package My;
sub header {
my $r = shift;
$r->print("header text\n");
sub body { shift->print("body text\n") }
sub footer { shift->print("footer text\n") }
#in config
<Location /foo>
SetHandler "perl-script"
PerlHandler My::header My::body My::footer
Parsing the output of another PerlHandler? this is a little more tricky, but consider:
<Location /foo>
SetHandler "perl-script"
PerlHandler OutputParser SomeApp
<Location /bar>
SetHandler "perl-script"
PerlHandler OutputParser AnotherApp
Now, OutputParser goes first, but it untie's *STDOUT and re-tie's to it's own package like so:
package OutputParser;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
untie *STDOUT;
tie *STDOUT => 'OutputParser', $r;
my($class, $r) = @_;
bless { r => $r}, $class;
sub PRINT {
my $self = shift;
for (@_) {
#do whatever you want to $_
$self->{r}->print($_ . "[insert stuff]");
tie of *STDOUT has worked since perl5.003_02 or so, no matter if sfio is configured.
To build in this feature, configure with:
Another method 'Apache->can_stack_handlers' will return TRUE if mod_perl was configured with PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS=1, FALSE otherwise.
If a Perl*Handler is prototyped with '$$', this handler will be invoked as method. e.g.
package My;
@ISA = qw(BaseClass);
sub handler ($$) {
my($class, $r) = @_;
package BaseClass;
sub method ($$) {
my($class, $r) = @_;
PerlHandler My
PerlHandler My->handler
Since the handler is invoked as a method, it may inherit from other classes:
PerlHandler My->method
In this case, the 'My' class inherits this method from 'BaseClass'.
To build in this feature, configure with:
With <Perl></Perl> sections, it is possible to configure your server entirely in Perl.
<Perl> sections can contain *any* and as much Perl code as you wish. These sections are compiled into a special package who's symbol table mod_perl can then walk and grind the names and values of Perl variables/structures through the Apache core config gears. Most of the configurations directives can be represented as $Scalars
or @Lists
. A @List
inside these sections is simply converted into a single-space delimited string for you inside. Here's an example:
@PerlModule = qw(Mail::Send Devel::Peek);
#run the server as whoever starts it
$User = getpwuid($>) || $>;
$Group = getgrgid($)) || $);
$ServerAdmin = $User;
Block sections such as <Location></Location> are represented in a %Hash
, e.g.:
$Location{"/~dougm/"} = {
AuthUserFile => '/tmp/htpasswd',
AuthType => 'Basic',
AuthName => 'test',
DirectoryIndex => [qw(index.html index.htm)],
Limit => {
require => 'user dougm',
Other section counterparts include %VirtualHost
, %Directory
and %Files
These are somewhat boring examples, but they should give you the basic idea. You can mix in any Perl code your heart desires. See eg/ and eg/perl_sections.txt for some examples.
Currently for <Perl> sections to work, the PerlScript
configuration directive must be defined, /dev/null
will do just fine.
To configure this feature build with 'perl Makefile.PL PERL_SECTIONS=1'
mod_perl and mod_include integration
As of apache 1.2b11, adding -DUSE_PERL_SSI to your Configuration's EXTRA_CFLAGS will enable mod_include handling of Perl callbacks.
A `sub' key value may be anything a Perl*Handler can be: subroutine name, package name (defaults to package::handler), Class->method call or anoymous sub {}
Child <!--#perl sub="sub {print $$}" --> accessed
<!--#perl sub="sub {print ++$Access::Cnt }" --> times. <br>
<!--#perl sub="Package::handler" arg="one" arg="two" -->
You can also use 'virtual include' to include Apache::Registry scripts of course. However, using #perl will save the overhead of making Apache go through the motions of creating/destroying a subrequest and making all the necessary access checks to see that the request would be allowed outside of a 'virtual include' context.
If you're interested in sprinkling Perl code inside your HTML documents, you'll also want to look at the Apache::Embperl, Apache::ePerl and Apache::SSI modules.
Your scripts *will not* run from the command line (yet) unless you use CGI::Switch and no direct calls to Apache->methods.
Perl's exit() built-in function cannot be used in mod_perl scripts. The Apache::exit should be used instead, however, it is not 100% reliable. Your servers and your code are better off if they are stuctured such that they do not need to use exit().
If you wish to use a module that is normally linked static with your Perl, it must be listed in static_ext in Perl's to be linked with httpd during the mod_perl build.
For comments, questions, bug-reports, announcements, etc., send mail to with the string "subscribe modperl" in the body.
Doug MacEachern <>