
using LWP::Simple and to benchmark mod_perl
benchmark mod_perl vs. CGI with File::CounterFile
First steps needed to use mod_perl as a CGI replacement
accessing the Apache API via mod_perl ($Date: 1997/10/16 23:21:47 $)
running CGI scripts under mod_perl ($Date: 1997/10/16 23:21:47 $)
frequently asked questions about mod_perl ($Date: 1997/10/16 23:21:47 $)
Embed a Perl interpreter in the Apache HTTP server
common/known mod_perl traps
mod_perl performance tuning


Perl interface to the Apache server API
Constants defined in httpd.h
Utilities for debugging embedded perl code
Utilities for mod_perl/mod_include integration
OPT_* defines from httpd_core.h
Run unaltered CGI scrips under mod_perl
Compile Apache::Registry scripts at server startup
Reload %INC files when updated on disk
Embedded interpreter status information
Install Apache mod_perl and related modules


in lib/Apache/
in lib/