Apache::TestUtil - Utility functions for writing tests


use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;

ok t_cmp("foo", "foo", "sanity check");
t_write_file("filename", @content);
my $fh = t_open_file($filename);
t_is_equal($a, $b);


Apache::TestUtil automatically exports a number of functions useful in writing tests.

All the files and directories created using the functions from this package will be automatically destroyed at the end of the program execution (via END block). You should not use these functions other than from within tests which should cleanup all the created directories and files at the end of the test.


t_cmp($expected, $received, $comment);

t_cmp() prints the values of $comment, $expected and $received. e.g.:

t_cmp(1, 1, "1 == 1?");


# testing : 1 == 1?
# expected: 1
# received: 1

then it returns the result of comparison of the $expected and the $received variables. Usually, the return value of this function is fed directly to the ok() function, like this:

ok t_cmp(1, 1, "1 == 1?");

the third argument ($comment) is optional, mostly useful for telling what the comparison is trying to do.

It is valid to use undef as an expected value. Therefore:

my $foo;
t_cmp(undef, $foo, "undef == undef?");

will return a true value.

You can compare any two data-structures with t_cmp(). Just make sure that if you pass non-scalars, you have to pass their references. The datastructures can be deeply nested. For example you can compare:

t_cmp({1 => [2..3,{5..8}], 4 => [5..6]},
      {1 => [2..3,{5..8}], 4 => [5..6]},
      "hash of array of hashes");

You can also compare the second argument against the first as a regex. Use the qr// function in the first argument. For example:

t_cmp(qr/^abc/, "abcd", "regex compare");

will do:

"abcd" =~ /^abc/;

This function is exported by default.

t_debug("testing feature foo");
t_debug("test", [1..3], 5, {a=>[1..5]});

t_debug() prints out any datastructure while prepending # at the beginning of each line, to make the debug printouts comply with Test::Harness's requirements. This function should be always used for debug prints, since if in the future the debug printing will change (e.g. redirected into a file) your tests won't need to be changed.

This function is exported by default.

t_write_file($filename, @lines);

t_write_file() creates a new file at $filename or overwrites the existing file with the content passed in @lines. If only the $filename is passed, an empty file will be created.

If parent directories of $filename don't exist they will be automagically created.

The generated file will be automatically deleted at the end of the program's execution.

This function is exported by default.

write_shell_script($filename, @lines);

Similar to t_write_file() but creates a portable shell/batch script. The created filename is constructed from $filename and an appropriate extension automatically selected according to the platform the code is running under.

It returns the extension of the created file.

write_perl_script($filename, @lines);

Similar to t_write_file() but creates a executable Perl script with correctly set shebang line.

my $fh = t_open_file($filename);

t_open_file() opens a file $filename for writing and returns the file handle to the opened file.

If parent directories of $filename don't exist they will be automagically created.

The generated file will be automatically deleted at the end of the program's execution.

This function is exported by default.


t_mkdir() creates a directory $dirname. The operation will fail if the parent directory doesn't exist.

If parent directories of $dirname don't exist they will be automagically created.

The generated directory will be automatically deleted at the end of the program's execution.

This function is exported by default.


t_rmtree() deletes the whole directories trees passed in @dirs.

This function is exported by default.


Change ownership of $file to the test's User/Group. This function is noop on platforms where chown(2) is unsupported (e.g. Win32).

t_is_equal($a, $b);

t_is_equal() compares any two datastructures and returns 1 if they are exactly the same, otherwise 0. The datastructures can be nested hashes, arrays, scalars, undefs or a combination of any of these. See t_cmp() for an example.

If $a is a regex reference, the regex comparison $b =~ $a is performed. For example:

t_is_equal(qr{^Apache}, $server_version);

If comparing non-scalars make sure to pass the references to the datastructures.

This function is exported by default.


Stas Bekman <>

