Using Perl*Handlers


This chapter discusses Perl*Handlers and presents examples of their use.

META: need to add/correct a diagram similar to the one in the eagle book, presenting the order of the phases.

   |                              |
   |                              v
   |                        URI translation
   |                              |
   |                              v
   |                         header parsing
   |                              |
   |                              v
   |                         access control
   |     <REQUEST LOOP>           |
cleanup                           v
   |                         authentication
   |                              |
   |                              v
   |                          authorization
   |                              |
   |                              v
   |                        MIME type checking
   |                              |
   |                              v
logging <----- RESPONSE <------ fixups

Handlers (Hooks) Types

For each phase there can be more than one handler assigned (also known as hooks, because the C functions are called ap_hook_<phase_name>). The following types specify a phase's behavior when there is more then one handler to run for this phase. (For C API declarations see include/ap_config.h, which includes other types which aren't exposed by mod_perl.)

  • VOID

    Handlers of the type VOID will be all executed in the order they have been registered disregarding their return values. Though in mod_perl they are expected to return Apache::OK.


    Handlers of the type RUN_FIRST will be executed in the order they have been registered until the first handler that returns something other than Apache::DECLINE. If the return value is Apache::OK, the next handler in the chain will be run. If the return value is Apache::DECLINED the next phase will start. In all other cases the execution will be aborted.


    Handlers of the type RUN_ALL will be executed in the order they have been registered until the first handler that returns something other than Apache::OK or Apache::DECLINE.

Also see mod_perl Directives Argument Types and Allowed Location

Hook Ordering (Position)

The following constants specify how the new hooks (handlers) are inserted into the list of hooks when there is at least one hook already registered for the same phase.

META: need to verify the following:


    run this hook first, before ANYTHING.


    run this hook first.


    run this hook somewhere.


    run this hook after every other hook which is defined.


    run this hook last, after EVERYTHING.

META: more information in mod_example.c talking about position/predecessors, etc.

Server Configuration (Startup) Phases


The open_logs phase happens just before the post_config phase.

Handlers registered by PerlOpenLogsHandler are usually used for opening module-specific log files.

At this stage the STDERR stream is not yet redirected to error_log, and therefore any messages to that stream will be printed to the console the server is starting from (if such exists).

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is SRV.



The post_config phase happens right after Apache has processed the configuration files, before any child processes were spawned (which happens at the child_init phase).

This phase can be used for initializing things to be shared between all child processes. You can do the same in the startup file, but in the post_config phase you have an access to a complete configuration tree.

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is SRV.



The child_init phase happens immediately after the child process is spawned. Each child process will run the hooks of this phase only once in their life-time.

In the prefork MPM this phase is useful for pre-opening database connections (similar to Apache::DBI in mod_perl 1.0).

This phase is of type VOID.

The handler's configuration scope is SRV.


Command (Protocol) Phases

META: blurb


The pre_connection phase happens just after the server accepts the connection, but before it is handed off to a protocol module to be served. It gives modules an opportunity to modify the connection as soon as possible. The core server uses this phase to setup the connection record based on the type of connection that is being used.

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is SRV, because it's not known yet which resource the request will be mapped to.



The process_connection phase is used to actually process the connection that was received. Only protocol modules should assign handlers for this phase, as it gives them an opportunity to replace the standard HTTP processing with processing for some other protocols (e.g., POP3, FTP, etc).

This phase is of type RUN_FIRST.

The handler's configuration scope is SRV. Therefore the only way to run protocol servers different than the core HTTP is inside dedicated virtual hosts.


META: echo example comes here

Request Phases

Each HTTP request is processes by XXX phases, executed in the following order:

1 PerlPostReadRequestHandler (PerlInitHandler)
2 PerlTransHandler
3 PerlHeaderParserHandler (PerlInitHandler)


The post_read_request phase is the first request phase and happens immediately after the request has been read and HTTP headers were parsed.

This phase is usually used to do processings that must happen once per request.

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is SRV, because at this phase the request has not yet been associated with a particular filename or directory.



The translate phase provides an opportunity to translate the request's URI into an corresponding filename.

In addition to doing the translation, this stage can be used to modify the URI itself and the request method. This is also a good place to register new handlers for the following phases based on the URI.

If no custom handlers is provided, the server's default rules (Alias directives and the like) will continue to be followed.

This phase is of type RUN_FIRST.

The handler's configuration scope is SRV, because at this phase the request has not yet been associated with a particular filename or directory.



When configured inside any section, but <VirtualHost> this handler is an alias for PerlHeaderParserHandler described later. Otherwise it acts as an alias for PerlPostReadRequestHandler descibed earlier.

It is the first handler to be invoked when serving a request.

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.



The header_parser phase is the first phase to happen after the request has been mapped to its <Location> (or equivalent). At this phase the handler can examine the request headers and to take a special action based on these. For example this phase can be used to block evil clients, while little resources were wasted on these.

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.



The access_checker phase is the first of three handlers that are involved in authentication and authorization, and used for access control.

This phase can be used to restrict access from a certain IP address, time of the day or any other rule not connected to the user's identity.

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.



The check_user_id (authen) phase is called whenever the requested file or directory is password protected. This, in turn, requires that the directory be associated with AuthName, AuthType and at least one require directive.

This phase is usually used to verify a user's identification credentials. If the credentials are verified to be correct, the handler should return OK. Otherwise the handler returns AUTH_REQUIRED to indicate that the user has not authenticated successfully. When Apache sends the HTTP header with this code, the browser will normally pop up a dialog box that prompts the user for login information.

This phase is of type RUN_FIRST.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.


The auth_checker (authz) phase is used for authorization control. This phase requires a successful authentication from the previous phase, because a username is needed in order to decide whether a user is authorized to access the requested resource.

As this phase is tightly connected to the authentication phase, the handlers registered for this phase are only called when the requested resource is password protected, similar to the auth phase. The handler is expected to return DECLINED to defer the decision, OK to indicate its acceptance of the user's authorization, or AUTH_REQUIRED to indicate that the user is not authorized to access the requested document.

This phase is of type RUN_FIRST.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.



The type_checker phase is used to set the response MIME type (Content-type) and sometimes other bits of document type information like the document language.

For example mod_autoindex, which performs automatic directory indexing, uses this phase to map the filename extensions to the corresponding icons which will be later used in the listing of files.

Of course later phases may override the mime type set in this phase.

This phase is of type RUN_FIRST.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.



The fixups phase is happening just before the content handling phase. It gives the last chance to do things before the response is generated. For example in this phase mod_env populates the environment with variables configured with SetEnv and PassEnv directives.

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.



The handler (response) phase is used for generating the response. This is probably the most important phase and most of the existing Apache modules do most of their work at this phase.

This is the only phase that requires two directives under mod_perl. For example:

<Location /perl>
   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlResponseHandler Apache::Registry

SetHandler tells Apache that mod_perl is going to handle the response generation. PerlResponseHandler tells mod_perl which handler is going to do the job.

This phase is of type RUN_FIRST.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.



The log_transaction phase happens no matter how the previous phases have ended up. If one of the earlier phases has aborted a request, e.g., failed authenication or 404 (file not found) errors, the rest of the phases up to and including the response phases are skipped. But this phase is always executed.

By this phase all the information about the request and the response is known, therefore the logging handlers usually record this information in various ways (e.g., logging to a flat file or a database).

This phase is of type RUN_ALL.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.



META: not implemented yet

This phase is of type XXX.

The handler's configuration scope is XXX.

Filtering Phases

mod_perl provides two interfaces to filtering: a direct mapping to buckets and bucket brigades and a simpler, stream-oriented interface.


META: not implemented yet

This handler inserts

This phase is of type VOID.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.


This handler registers and configures a stream-orientered output filter (i.e. it works with the response stream).

This handler is of type VOID.

The handler's configuration scope is DIR.

The output filter in the following example reverses every line of the response, preserving the new line characters in their places:

PerlModule Apache::ReverseFilter
<Location /reverse>
    SetHandler modperl
    PerlOutputFilterHandler Apache::ReverseFilter::output_filter
    PerlResponseHandler     Apache::ReverseFilter::response

package Apache::ReverseFilter;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Apache::RequestRec ();
use Apache::RequestIO ();
use Apache::Filter ();

use Apache::Const -compile => qw(OK);

my $clrf = qr/[\r\n]+/;

sub output_filter {
    my $filter = shift;

    my $left_over = '';
    while ($filter->read(my $buffer, 2)) {
        $buffer = $left_over . $buffer;
        $left_over = '';
        while ($buffer =~ /([^\r\n]*)([\r\n]*)/g) {
            $left_over = $1, last unless $2;
            $filter->print(scalar(reverse $1), $2);
    $filter->print(scalar reverse $left_over) if length $left_over;


sub response {
    my $r = shift;

    $r->puts(1..9, "0\n");
    $r->puts('a'..'z', "\n");


In this example when a request to /reverse is made, the response handler Apache::ReverseFilter::response() sends:


as a response and the output filter handler Apache::ReverseFilter::output_filter reverses the lines, so the client gets:


The reversing filter is quite simple: it reads from the output stream in chunks of 1024 characters, and then prints all lines reversed preserving the new line control characters at the end of each line. The special handling of new lines is needed for cases where an input line is longer than the buffer size, (1024 in our example), when this happens we store the reminder of the string in $left_over and prepend it to the buffer when the next chunk is read. At the end we print out the reminder of the input when there is no more data left on the stream.


Maintainer is the person(s) you should contact with updates, corrections and patches.

  • Stas Bekman <stas (at)>


Only the major authors are listed above. For contributors see the Changes file.

6 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 235:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 237:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 239:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 241:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 243:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 245:

Expected text after =item, not a number