use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
coerce ( __PACKAGE__,
from HashRef => via {
my %p = %$_;
my $class = delete $p{class} || die "Can't coerce backend from hash without a 'class' parameter";
try {
} catch {
requires qw(
sub new_from_dsn {
my ( $class, $params, @extra ) = @_;
if ( defined $params ) {
$class->new_from_dsn_params($class->parse_dsn_params($params), @extra);
} else {
return $class->new(@extra);
sub new_from_dsn_params {
my ( $class, @params ) = @_;
sub parse_dsn_params {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
my @pairs = split ';', $params;
return map {
my ( $key, $value ) = /(\w+)(?:=(.*))/;
length($value) ? ( $key, $value ) : ( $key => 1 );
} @pairs;
=head1 NAME
KiokuDB::Backend - Backend interface role
package KiokuDB::Backend::Foo;
use Moose;
# load the core api and additional interfaces based on backend capabilities
with qw(
sub insert { ... }
sub get { ... }
sub delete { ... }
sub exists { ... }
# use the backend like this:
my $dir = KiokuDB->new(
backend => KiokuDB::Backend::Foo->new( );
L<KiokuDB> is designed to be fairly backend agnostic.
This role defines the minimal API for writing new backends.
This role is supplemented by L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN>, a role for
first class transaction support that issues rollbacks using the
L<KiokuDB::Entry> objects.
This role is supplemented by L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query>, a role for
backend specific queries.
L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::Simple> provides a universal query api for
backends that can perform property based lookup.
L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::GIN> is a role for using L<Search::GIN> based
indexing/querying with backends that do not natively support querying.
=over 4
=item get @ids
Retrieve the L<KiokuDB::Entry> objects associated with the @ids.
If any other error is encountered, this method should die.
The backend may store private data in C<backend_data>, to be used in a subsequent update.
Returns a list of L<KiokuDB::Entry>, with the order corresponding to C<@ids>.
If an entry does not exist then C<undef> should be returned in place of it. The
backend may abort retrieval on the first non existent entry.
=item insert @entries
Insert entries to the store.
If the backend is transactional this operation should be atomic with respect to
the inserted/updated data.
The backend is required to store the data in the fields C<data>, C<class> using
the key in C<id>.
Entries which have an entry in C<prev> denote updates (either objects that have
been previously stored, or objects that were looked up). The previous entry may
be used to compare state for issuing a partial update, and will contain the
value of C<backend_data> for any other state tracking.
C<object> is a weak reference to the object this entry is representing, and may
be used for high level indexing. Do not use this field for storage.
If this backend implements some form of garbage collection, C<root> denotes
that the objects is part of the root set.
After all entries have been successfully written, C<backend_data> should be set
if necessary just as in C<get>.
Has no return value.
If C<insert> does not die the write is assumed to be successful.
=item delete @ids_or_entries
Delete the specified IDs or entries.
If the user provided objects then entries will be passed in. Any associated
state the entries may have (e.g. a revision) should be used in order to enforce
atomicity with respect to the time when the objects were loaded.
After all entries have been successfully deleted, C<deleted> should be set. The
entry passed in is the same one as was loaded by C<get> or last written by
C<insert>, so it is already up to date in the live objects.
Has no return value.
If C<delete> does not die the write is assumed to be successful.
=item exists @ids
Check for existence of the specified IDs, without retrieving their data.
Returns a list of true or false values.
=head1 METHODS
These methods are provided by the L<KiokuDB::Backend> role, and may be overridden.
=over 4
=item new_from_dsn
Parses the second half of the DSN using C<parse_dsn_params> and instantiates a
new object using C<new_from_dsn>.
See L<KiokuDB::Util>.
=item new_from_dsn_params @args
Takes DSN parameters and converts them to arguments suitable for C<new>
=item parse_dsn_params $str
The string is split on C<;> to produce arguments. Arguments in the form
C<foo=bar> are split on C<=> into a key/value pair, and other arguments are
treated as a boolean key and returned as C<< $arg => 1 >>.
Your backend may include more roles, based on its capabilities.
=over 4
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize>
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::Delegate>
For the actual serialization of entries, there are a number of serialization
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Clear>
API for clearing all entries.
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Scan>
API for enumerating entries.
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::BinarySafe>
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::UnicodeSafe>
If your serialization is able to store arbitrary binary data and/or unicode
strings, these informational roles should be included.
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN>
If your storage supports nested transactions (C<txn_begin>, C<txn_commit> etc)
this role provides the api to expose that functionality to the high level
L<KiokuDB> api.
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query>
=item L<KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::GIN>
If your backend supports querying of some sort, these are the roles to include.
The querying API uses backend specific lookups to fetch entries, which
L<KiokuDB> will then relink into result objects.
A backend may be shared by several L<KiokuDB> instances, each with its own
distinct live object set. The backend may choose to share cached entry B<data>,
as that is not mutated by L<KiokuDB::Linker>, but not the L<KiokuDB::Entry>
instances themselves.