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$Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor::Native::Collection::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
$Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor::Native::Collection::VERSION = '2.0102'; # TRIAL
use strict;
requires qw( _adds_members );
sub _inline_coerce_new_values {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->associated_attribute->should_coerce;
return unless $self->_tc_member_type_can_coerce;
return (
'(' . $self->_new_members . ') = map { $member_coercion->($_) }',
$self->_new_members . ';',
sub _tc_member_type_can_coerce {
my $self = shift;
my $member_tc = $self->_tc_member_type;
return $member_tc && $member_tc->has_coercion;
sub _tc_member_type {
my $self = shift;
my $tc = $self->associated_attribute->type_constraint;
while ($tc) {
return $tc->type_parameter
if $tc->can('type_parameter');
$tc = $tc->parent;
sub _writer_value_needs_copy {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_constraint_must_be_checked
&& !$self->_check_new_members_only;
sub _inline_tc_code {
my $self = shift;
my ($value, $tc, $coercion, $message, $is_lazy) = @_;
return unless $self->_constraint_must_be_checked;
if ($self->_check_new_members_only) {
return unless $self->_adds_members;
return $self->_inline_check_member_constraint($self->_new_members);
else {
return (
$self->_inline_check_coercion($value, $tc, $coercion, $is_lazy),
$self->_inline_check_constraint($value, $tc, $message, $is_lazy),
sub _check_new_members_only {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
my $tc = $attr->type_constraint;
# If we have a coercion, we could come up with an entirely new value after
# coercing, so we need to check everything,
return 0 if $attr->should_coerce && $tc->has_coercion;
# If the parent is our root type (ArrayRef, HashRef, etc), that means we
# can just check the new members of the collection, because we know that
# we will always be generating an appropriate collection type.
# However, if this type has its own constraint (it's Parameteriz_able_,
# not Paramet_erized_), we don't know what is being checked by the
# constraint, so we need to check the whole value, not just the members.
return 1
if $self->_is_root_type( $tc->parent )
&& $tc->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized');
return 0;
sub _inline_check_member_constraint {
my $self = shift;
my ($new_value) = @_;
my $attr_name = $self->associated_attribute->name;
my $check
= $self->_tc_member_type->can_be_inlined
? '! (' . $self->_tc_member_type->_inline_check('$new_val') . ')'
: ' !$member_tc->($new_val) ';
return (
'for my $new_val (' . $new_value . ') {',
"if ($check) {",
'"A new member value for ' . $attr_name
. ' does not pass its type constraint because: "' . ' . '
. 'do { local $_ = $new_val; $member_message->($new_val) }',
'data => $new_val',
) . ';',
sub _inline_get_old_value_for_trigger {
my $self = shift;
my ($instance, $old) = @_;
my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
return unless $attr->has_trigger;
return (
'my ' . $old . ' = ' . $self->_has_value($instance),
'? ' . $self->_copy_old_value($self->_get_value($instance)),
': ();',
around _eval_environment => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $env = $self->$orig(@_);
my $member_tc = $self->_tc_member_type;
return $env unless $member_tc;
$env->{'$member_tc'} = \( $member_tc->_compiled_type_constraint );
$env->{'$member_coercion'} = \(
) if $member_tc->has_coercion;
$env->{'$member_message'} = \(
? $member_tc->message
: $member_tc->_default_message
my $tc_env = $member_tc->inline_environment();
$env = { %{$env}, %{$tc_env} };
return $env;
no Moose::Role;