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This distribution is up for adoption!
If you're interested then please contact the PAUSE module admins via
Changes for version 0.02 - 2013-06-03
- packaging and pod fixes
read, eval, print, loop, yay!
read, eval, print, loop, yay!
base class for Reply plugins
colorize output
format results using Data::Dump
format results using Data::Dumper
command to edit the current line in a text editor
provides a more informative prompt
persists lexical hints across input lines
allows using Ctrl+C to interrupt long-running lines
persists lexical variables between lines
attempts to load classes implicitly if possible
command to nopaste a transcript of the current session
persist the current package between lines
use Term::ReadLine for user input
retain previous results to be able to refer to them later
in lib/Reply/Plugin/Defaults.pm