use strict; use warnings;
use constant PACKAGE_VERSION => '0.1';
use constant DEBUG => 1;
# local %ENV;
our $VERSION = '0.9_001';
sub init {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
my %default;
# my $package = shift;
# my %config = @_;
# my ($self, %default);
%default = (
agent_string => 'WWW-Instapaper-Client/'.PACKAGE_VERSION,
http_proxy => $ENV{HTTP_PROXY},
http_proxyuser => $ENV{HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME},
http_proxypass => $ENV{HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD},
username => $ENV{instapaper_user},
password => $ENV{instapaper_pass},
# $self = bless \%default, $package;
## make sure defaults are loaded
for (keys %default) { $self->{$_} = $default{$_} }
for (keys %$config) {
die "Invalid parameter '$_'" unless exists $self->{$_};
$self->{$_} = $config->{$_};
$self->{_ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new(
agent => $self->{agent_string},
## remember, this is the LOCALIZED %ENV variable - won't change live environment.
$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = (defined $self->{http_proxy} ? $self->{http_proxy} : $ENV{HTTP_PROXY});
$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME} = (defined $self->{http_proxyuser} ? $self->{http_proxyuser} : $ENV{HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME});
$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD} = (defined $self->{http_proxypass} ? $self->{http_proxypass} : $ENV{HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD});
$ENV{HTTP_PROXY} = (defined $self->{http_proxy} ? $self->{http_proxy} : $ENV{HTTP_PROXY});
$ENV{HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME} = (defined $self->{http_proxyuser} ? $self->{http_proxyuser} : $ENV{HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME});
$ENV{HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD} = (defined $self->{http_proxypass} ? $self->{http_proxypass} : $ENV{HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD});
# if (defined $self->{http_proxy)) {
# my $proxy_url = $self->{http_proxy};
# if (defined $self->{http_proxyuser}) {
# my $authstr = $self->{http_proxyuser};
# $authstr .= ":".$self->{http_proxypass} if defined $self->{http_proxypass};
# $proxy_url =~ s{(\w+?:)//}{$1//$authstr\@};
# warn "Updated Proxy URL to '$proxy_url'" if DEBUG;
# }
# $self->{_ua}->proxy(['http','https'], $proxy_url);
# }
return $self;
sub authenticate {
my $self = shift;
my $req = POST
['username'=>$self->{username}, 'password'=>$self->{password}];
my $response = $self->{_ua}->request($req);
return 1 if ($response->is_success);
return $self->error('Bad username or password') if ($response->code == 403);
return $self->error('Error with service or proxy') if ($response->code == 500);
return $self->error("Unknown error condition: ".$response->code); ## undefine error
sub add {
my $self = shift;
my %param = @_;
unless (exists $param{title}) { $param{'auto-title'} = 1 }
return $self->error("No URL provided") unless (defined $param{url});
$param{username} = $self->{username};
$param{password} = $self->{password};
my $req = POST $self->{api_url}.'/add', [ %param ];
my $response = $self->{_ua}->request($req);
return [$response->header('Content-Location'), $response->header('X-Instapaper-Title')]
if ($response->is_success);
return $self->error('Bad username or password') if ($response->code == 403);
return $self->error('Error with service or proxy') if ($response->code == 500);
return $self->error('Malformed request') if ($response->code == 400);
return $self->error("Unknown error condition: ".$response->code); ## undefine error
=head1 NAME
WWW::Instapaper::Client - An implementation of the Instapaper client API
require WWW::Instapaper::Client;
my $paper = WWW::Instapaper::Client->new(
username => '', # E-mail OR username
password => 'SooperSekrit',
my $result = $paper->add(
title => "Page Title", # optional, will try to get automatically if not given
selection => 'Some text on the page', #optional
if (defined $result) {
print "URL added: ", $result->[0], "\n"; #
print "Title: ", $result->[1], "\n"; # Title of page added
else {
# Must be an error
warn "Was error: " . $paper->error . "\n";
This module is an implementation of the Instapaper API.
=over 8
=item C<new>
my $paper = WWW::Instapaper::Client->new( %parameters );
Returns a new instance of this class, configured with the appropriate parameters. Dies
if invalid parameters are provided.
Possible parameters are:
=over 8
=item user_agent
The user agent ("browser") the server will see. Defaults to C<WWW-Instapaper-Client/$VERSION>.
=item username
The Instapaper username. Often, but not always, an e-mail address. Defaults to C<$ENV{instapaper_user}>
=item password
The password for the user's Instapaper account. The user may not have a password, in which case, any
value works. Defaults to C<$ENV{instapaper_pass}>
=item api_url
The base URL for the Instapaper API. Defaults to C<>. You shouldn't need
to change this unless you're connecting to a non-Instapaper service that uses the same API.
=item http_proxy, http_proxyuser, http_proxypass
The path to an HTTPS-capable proxy, and the username and password as appropriate. The standard HTTP_PROXY
set of environment variables will work here; these are widely documented. You only need to specify these
if you have a proxy B<AND> you don't have the environment variables set.
=item C<add>
my $result = $paper->add(
url => '', # required
title => 'Page title', # optional
selection => 'Text from page', # optional
if (defined $result) {
print "URL added: ", $result->[0], "\n"; #
print "Title: ", $result->[1], "\n"; # Title of page added
else {
# Must be an error
warn "Was error: " . $paper->error . "\n";
Adds the specified page URL to Instapaper. If a title is not provided, Instapaper will attempt to
acquire the title by retrieving the page; that is, we set C<auto-title = 1> for the Instapaper API
when a title is not provided.
You may optionally provide text that represents a selection from the page.
If successful, C<add> will return an ARRAYref containing the Instapaper "go" URL, and the page title
as recorded by Instapaper.
If an error is encountered, C<add> returns undefined and the error message is available in
=item C<authenticate>
$paper->authenticate or warn "Could not authenticate: ".$paper->error."\n";
Authenticates the user to Instapaper. This is useful to check that the credentials are valid before
e.g. storing them for later use.
If successful, C<authenticate> will return a true value.
If an error is encountered, C<authenticate> returns undefined and the error message is available in
=item Release 0.9_001
Fixed dependency bug in Build.PL - forgot that Class::Base was required.
=head1 AUTHOR
Darren Meyer - DPMEYER on PAUSE
(c) 2010 Darren Meyer (DPMEYER on PAUSE), and available under the same terms as Perl itself.