Changes for version 0.40

  • March 2, 2006
    • some code cleanup (thanks to Gregory Williams)
    • a new method equals() added to literal object, datatype and laguage tag are taken into account (bug 2306)
    • escaping characters in rdf:about attribute fixed (bug 1630, thanks to Norman Walsh)
    • rdf:nodeID is produced by serializer when necessary, instead of incorrect deanonymizing resource


An object oriented Perl modules for handling tasks related to RDF.
RDF constant definitions
an object that provides access to a set of statements
Enumerator that can be used with DB_File storage.
Enumerator in memory
gets a query object that RDF::Core::Query parsed and evaluates the query.
a package of functions for query language.
a literal value for RDF statement
RDF model
interface between model and RDF::Core::Parser
interface between model and RDF::Core::Serializer
RDF model set
an ancestor of RDF::Core::Resource and RDF::Core::Literal
produces literals and resources, generates labels for anonymous resources
RDF Parser
Implementation of query language
a resource for RDF statement
The RDF Schema access
produce XML code for RDF model
RDF statement
An abstract ancestor of storage implementations
Berkeley DB 1.x implementation of RDF::Core::Storage
An in-memory implementation of RDF::Core::Storage
PostgreSQL implementation of RDF::Core::Storage