use strict;
use YAML qw/LoadFile DumpFile/;
my $class = LoadFile "$ENV{HOME}/n/class.yaml";
my %names = map { $_->{id} => $_->{name} } @{$class->{member}};
my $orig = "teams.yaml";
my $yaml = LoadFile $orig;
DumpFile "$orig.bak", $yaml;
my $new;
my @teams = keys %$yaml;
map {
my @team = ();
my $team = $_;
#push @team, map { @names{keys %{$yaml->{$team}->{$_}}} }
# keys %{$yaml->{$team}};
#push @team, map { @names{@{$yaml->{$team}->{$_}}} }
# keys %{$yaml->{$team}};
push @team, values %{$yaml->{$team}};
$new->{$team} = \@team;
} @teams;
DumpFile "$orig", $new;
=head1 NAME
beans - Convert file from id keys to name keys
beans [options]
--help This help message
--man A man page
--id 9598457 Id of person claiming these beans to be theirs
--name Momotaro Name of person claiming these beans to be theirs
--season first The part of the semester in which the beans were won
--team Gray The team to which the claimant belongs
--league m/j The league to which the claimant belongs
--beans 75 Number of beans they are asking to be recorded
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-id>
Id of person claiming these beans to be theirs.
=item B<-name>
Name of person claiming these beans to be theirs.
=item B<-league>
The league to which the redeemer belongs
=item B<-season>
The season in which the beans were won.
=item B<-team>
The team to which the claimant belongs.
=item B<-beans>
Number of beans they are asking to be recorded.
B<beans> tallies beans that students have earned for classwork and are redeeming and stores them in beans.yaml as a total, logging their entry in beans.log. It thens adds the total (divided by 5) to homework, midterm and final scores and outputs the grade so far.