Changes for version 0.05 - 2010-11-18

  • The Antispam::Toolkit::Role::BerkeleyDB role now checks to make sure that the module is linked against BerkeleyDB 4.4+, and dies if it isn't. The BerkeleyDB tests are skipped in this case as well. Previously, they just died at runtime.


Classes, roles, and types for use by other Antispam modules
Represents the result of a spam check
A role for classes which store spam check data in a BerkeleyDB file
A role for classes which check whether a piece of content is spam
An interface-only role for classes store and match values
A role for classes which check whether a link is spam
A role for classes which check whether a user is a spammer
Types for use by Antispam modules


in lib/Antispam/Toolkit/Types/