Changes for version 0.02 - 2011-04-16

  • Why do I keep forgetting to include any prereqs when I first a new module? I don't know, but I do.


Learn how to use Chloro
Repeatable groups in forms
Basic form and field definition


Form Processing So Easy It Will Knock You Out
An error associated with a specific field
An error associated with a specific field
An error message
A field in a form
A field in a form
A result for a single field
A result for a single group
The set of results from processing a form submission
An interface role for error objects
A role for form classes
A role for named things which are part of a form (fields and groups)
An interface-only role for results
An interface-only for resultset classes
A metaclass trait for classes and roles which use Chloro
A trait that supports role application for roles with Chloro fields and groups
A trait that supports applying Chloro fields and groups to classes
A trait that supports applying Chloro fields and groups to roles
A trait that supports applying multiple roles at once


in lib/Chloro/Trait/
in lib/Chloro/Trait/
in lib/Chloro/
in lib/Chloro/Types/