Take me over?
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for someone to take over!
If you're interested then please contact them via
Changes for version 0.04 - 2011-04-17
- Fix an error tha prevented some of the docs from being indexed.
Learn how to use Chloro
Repeatable groups in forms
Basic form and field definition
Form Processing So Easy It Will Knock You Out
An error associated with a specific field
An error associated with a specific field
An error message
A field in a form
A field in a form
A result for a single field
A result for a single group
The set of results from processing a form submission
An interface role for error objects
A role for form classes
A role for named things which are part of a form (fields and groups)
An interface-only role for results
An interface-only for resultset classes
A metaclass trait for classes and roles which use Chloro
A trait that supports role application for roles with Chloro fields and groups
A trait that supports applying Chloro fields and groups to classes
A trait that supports applying Chloro fields and groups to roles
A trait that supports applying multiple roles at once
in lib/Chloro/Trait/Class.pm
in lib/Chloro/Trait/Role.pm
in lib/Chloro/Types.pm
in lib/Chloro/Types/Internal.pm