Changes for version 0.07 - 2011-08-15
- All this module's subroutines now accept optional parameters for a module so you can write something like - load_class( 'Foo', { -version => 42 } )
- There is now a Class::Load::XS distro available on CPAN which implements some of this module's code in XS for speed. This code was originally written by Goro Fuji and Florian Ragwitz for Class::MOP. You need to install this distro explicitly if you want the XS implementation.
- Added a load_first_existing_class subroutine based, mostly borrowed from Class::MOP.
- Fixed a bug where a package with a version object in its $VERSION would not be seen as loaded. Reported by Chris Prather.
a working (require "Class::Name") and more
in lib/Class/Load/