use strict;
use B;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Carp 'confess';
our $VERSION = '0.73';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
# creation ...
sub initialize {
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
unshift @args, "package" if @args % 2;
my %options = @args;
my $package_name = $options{package};
# we hand-construct the class
# until we can bootstrap it
if ( my $meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($package_name) ) {
return $meta;
} else {
my $meta = ( ref $class || $class )->_new({
'package' => $package_name,
Class::MOP::store_metaclass_by_name($package_name, $meta);
return $meta;
sub reinitialize {
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
unshift @args, "package" if @args % 2;
my %options = @args;
my $package_name = delete $options{package};
(defined $package_name && $package_name && !blessed($package_name))
|| confess "You must pass a package name and it cannot be blessed";
$class->initialize($package_name, %options); # call with first arg form for compat
sub _new {
my $class = shift;
my $options = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
# because of issues with the Perl API
# to the typeglob in some versions, we
# need to just always grab a new
# reference to the hash in the accessor.
# Ideally we could just store a ref and
# it would Just Work, but oh well :\
$options->{namespace} ||= \undef;
bless $options, $class;
# Attributes
# all these attribute readers will be bootstrapped
# away in the Class::MOP bootstrap section
sub name { $_[0]->{'package'} }
sub namespace {
# because of issues with the Perl API
# to the typeglob in some versions, we
# need to just always grab a new
# reference to the hash here. Ideally
# we could just store a ref and it would
# Just Work, but oh well :\
no strict 'refs';
\%{$_[0]->{'package'} . '::'}
# utility methods
my %SIGIL_MAP = (
'$' => 'SCALAR',
'@' => 'ARRAY',
'%' => 'HASH',
'&' => 'CODE',
sub _deconstruct_variable_name {
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
(defined $variable)
|| confess "You must pass a variable name";
my $sigil = substr($variable, 0, 1, '');
(defined $sigil)
|| confess "The variable name must include a sigil";
(exists $SIGIL_MAP{$sigil})
|| confess "I do not recognize that sigil '$sigil'";
return ($variable, $sigil, $SIGIL_MAP{$sigil});
# Class attributes
# ... these functions have to touch the symbol table itself,.. yuk
sub add_package_symbol {
my ($self, $variable, $initial_value) = @_;
my ($name, $sigil, $type) = ref $variable eq 'HASH'
? @{$variable}{qw[name sigil type]}
: $self->_deconstruct_variable_name($variable);
my $pkg = $self->{'package'};
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine', 'misc';
*{$pkg . '::' . $name} = ref $initial_value ? $initial_value : \$initial_value;
sub remove_package_glob {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
delete ${$self->name . '::'}{$name};
# ... these functions deal with stuff on the namespace level
sub has_package_symbol {
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my ($name, $sigil, $type) = ref $variable eq 'HASH'
? @{$variable}{qw[name sigil type]}
: $self->_deconstruct_variable_name($variable);
my $namespace = $self->namespace;
return 0 unless exists $namespace->{$name};
# For some really stupid reason
# a typeglob will have a default
# value of \undef in the SCALAR
# slot, so we need to work around
# this. Which of course means that
# if you put \undef in your scalar
# then this is broken.
if (ref($namespace->{$name}) eq 'SCALAR') {
return ($type eq 'CODE');
elsif ($type eq 'SCALAR') {
my $val = *{$namespace->{$name}}{$type};
return defined(${$val});
else {
sub get_package_symbol {
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my ($name, $sigil, $type) = ref $variable eq 'HASH'
? @{$variable}{qw[name sigil type]}
: $self->_deconstruct_variable_name($variable);
my $namespace = $self->namespace;
unless exists $namespace->{$name};
if (ref($namespace->{$name}) eq 'SCALAR') {
if ($type eq 'CODE') {
no strict 'refs';
return \&{$self->name.'::'.$name};
else {
return undef;
else {
return *{$namespace->{$name}}{$type};
sub remove_package_symbol {
my ($self, $variable) = @_;
my ($name, $sigil, $type) = ref $variable eq 'HASH'
? @{$variable}{qw[name sigil type]}
: $self->_deconstruct_variable_name($variable);
# no doubt this is grossly inefficient and
# could be done much easier and faster in XS
my ($scalar_desc, $array_desc, $hash_desc, $code_desc) = (
{ sigil => '$', type => 'SCALAR', name => $name },
{ sigil => '@', type => 'ARRAY', name => $name },
{ sigil => '%', type => 'HASH', name => $name },
{ sigil => '&', type => 'CODE', name => $name },
my ($scalar, $array, $hash, $code);
if ($type eq 'SCALAR') {
$array = $self->get_package_symbol($array_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($array_desc);
$hash = $self->get_package_symbol($hash_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($hash_desc);
$code = $self->get_package_symbol($code_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($code_desc);
elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
$scalar = $self->get_package_symbol($scalar_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($scalar_desc);
$hash = $self->get_package_symbol($hash_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($hash_desc);
$code = $self->get_package_symbol($code_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($code_desc);
elsif ($type eq 'HASH') {
$scalar = $self->get_package_symbol($scalar_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($scalar_desc);
$array = $self->get_package_symbol($array_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($array_desc);
$code = $self->get_package_symbol($code_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($code_desc);
elsif ($type eq 'CODE') {
$scalar = $self->get_package_symbol($scalar_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($scalar_desc);
$array = $self->get_package_symbol($array_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($array_desc);
$hash = $self->get_package_symbol($hash_desc) if $self->has_package_symbol($hash_desc);
else {
confess "This should never ever ever happen";
$self->add_package_symbol($scalar_desc => $scalar) if defined $scalar;
$self->add_package_symbol($array_desc => $array) if defined $array;
$self->add_package_symbol($hash_desc => $hash) if defined $hash;
$self->add_package_symbol($code_desc => $code) if defined $code;
sub list_all_package_symbols {
my ($self, $type_filter) = @_;
my $namespace = $self->namespace;
return keys %{$namespace} unless defined $type_filter;
# or we can filter based on
if ( $type_filter eq 'CODE' ) {
return grep {
? (ref($namespace->{$_}) eq 'SCALAR')
: (ref(\$namespace->{$_}) eq 'GLOB'
&& defined(*{$namespace->{$_}}{CODE})));
} keys %{$namespace};
} else {
return grep { *{$namespace->{$_}}{$type_filter} } keys %{$namespace};
sub get_all_package_symbols {
my ($self, $type_filter) = @_;
die "Cannot call get_all_package_symbols as a class method"
unless ref $self;
my $namespace = $self->namespace;
if (wantarray) {
warn 'Class::MOP::Package::get_all_package_symbols in list context is deprecated. use scalar context instead.';
return (wantarray ? %$namespace : $namespace) unless defined $type_filter;
my %ret;
# for some reason this nasty impl is orders of magnitude faster than a clean version
if ( $type_filter eq 'CODE' ) {
my $pkg;
no strict 'refs';
%ret = map {
? ( $_ => \&{$pkg ||= $self->name . "::$_"} )
: ( ref \$namespace->{$_} eq 'GLOB' # don't use {CODE} unless it's really a glob to prevent stringification of stubs
&& (*{$namespace->{$_}}{CODE}) # the extra parents prevent breakage on 5.8.2
? ( $_ => *{$namespace->{$_}}{CODE} )
: (do {
my $sym = B::svref_2object(\$namespace->{$_});
my $svt = ref $sym if $sym;
($sym && ($svt eq 'B::PV' || $svt eq 'B::IV'))
? ($_ => ($pkg ||= $self->name)->can($_))
: () }) ) )
} keys %$namespace;
} else {
%ret = map {
$_ => *{$namespace->{$_}}{$type_filter}
} grep {
!ref($namespace->{$_}) && *{$namespace->{$_}}{$type_filter}
} keys %$namespace;
return wantarray ? %ret : \%ret;
=head1 NAME
Class::MOP::Package - Package Meta Object
This is an abstraction of a Perl 5 package, it is a superclass of
L<Class::MOP::Class> and provides all of the symbol table
introspection methods.
B<Class::MOP::Package> is a subclass of L<Class::MOP::Object>
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item B<meta>
Returns a metaclass for this package.
=item B<initialize ($package_name)>
This will initialize a Class::MOP::Package instance which represents
the package of C<$package_name>.
=item B<reinitialize ($package_name, %options)>
This removes the old metaclass, and creates a new one in it's place.
Do B<not> use this unless you really know what you are doing, it could
very easily make a very large mess of your program.
=item B<name>
This is a read-only attribute which returns the package name for the
given instance.
=item B<namespace>
This returns a HASH reference to the symbol table. The keys of the
HASH are the symbol names, and the values are typeglob references.
=item B<add_package_symbol ($variable_name, ?$initial_value)>
Given a C<$variable_name>, which must contain a leading sigil, this
method will create that variable within the package which houses the
class. It also takes an optional C<$initial_value>, which must be a
reference of the same type as the sigil of the C<$variable_name>
=item B<get_package_symbol ($variable_name)>
This will return a reference to the package variable in
=item B<has_package_symbol ($variable_name)>
Returns true (C<1>) if there is a package variable defined for
C<$variable_name>, and false (C<0>) otherwise.
=item B<remove_package_symbol ($variable_name)>
This will attempt to remove the package variable at C<$variable_name>.
=item B<remove_package_glob ($glob_name)>
This will attempt to remove the entire typeglob associated with
C<$glob_name> from the package.
=item B<list_all_package_symbols (?$type_filter)>
This will list all the glob names associated with the current package.
By inspecting the globs returned you can discern all the variables in
the package.
By passing a C<$type_filter>, you can limit the list to only those
which match the filter (either SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH or CODE).
=item B<get_all_package_symbols (?$type_filter)>
Works exactly like C<list_all_package_symbols> but returns a HASH of
name => thing mapping instead of just an ARRAY of names.
=head1 AUTHORS
Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
Copyright 2006-2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.