Class::MOP::Immutable - A class to transform Class::MOP::Class metaclasses


use Class::MOP::Immutable;

my $immutable_metaclass = Class::MOP::Immutable->new($metaclass, {
    read_only   => [qw/superclasses/],
    cannot_call => [qw/
    memoize     => {
        class_precedence_list             => 'ARRAY',
        compute_all_applicable_attributes => 'ARRAY',
        get_meta_instance                 => 'SCALAR',
        get_method_map                    => 'SCALAR',



This class encapsulates the logic behind immutabilization.

This class provides generic immutabilization logic. Decisions about what gets transformed are up to the caller.

Immutabilization allows for a number of transformations. It can ask the calling metaclass to inline methods such as the constructor, destructor, or accessors. It can memoize metaclass accessors themselves. It can also turn read-write accessors in the metaclass into read-only methods, and make attempting to set these values an error. Finally, it can make some methods throw an exception when they are called. This is used to disable methods that can alter the class.


Class::MOP::Immutable->new($metaclass, %options)

This method takes a metaclass object (typically a Class::MOP::Class object) and a hash of options.

It returns a new transformer, but does not actually do any transforming yet.

This method accepts the following options:

  • inline_accessors

  • inline_constructor

  • inline_destructor

    These are all booleans indicating whether the specified method(s) should be inlined.

    By default, accessors and the constructor are inlined, but not the destructor.

  • replace_constructor

    This is a boolean indicating whether an existing constructor should be replaced when inlining a constructor. This defaults to false.

  • constructor_name

    This is the constructor method name. This defaults to "new".

  • constructor_class

    The name of the method metaclass for constructors. It will be used to generate the inlined constructor. This defaults to "Class::MOP::Method::Constructor".

  • destructor_class

    The name of the method metaclass for destructors. It will be used to generate the inlined destructor. This defaults to "Class::MOP::Method::Denstructor".

  • memoize

    This option takes a hash reference. They keys are method names to be memoized, and the values are the type of data the method returns. This can be one of "SCALAR", "ARRAY", or "HASH".

  • read_only

    This option takes an array reference of read-write methods which will be made read-only. After they are transformed, attempting to set them will throw an error.

  • cannot_call

    This option takes an array reference of methods which cannot be called after immutabilization. Attempting to call these methods will throw an error.

  • wrapped

    This option takes a hash reference. The keys are method names and the body is a subroutine reference which will wrap the named method. This allows you to do some sort of custom transformation to a method.


Returns a hash reference of the options passed to new.


Returns the metaclass object passed to new.


Returns the immutable metaclass object that is created by the transformation process.


If the constructor was inlined, this returns the constructor method object that was created to do this.


Stevan Little <>


Copyright 2006-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.