Changes for version 0.87

  • Various
    • Made sure to always local-ize $@ and $SIG{__DIE__} before calling an eval. Fixes RT #45973.
  • Class::MOP::Class
    • Synced docs about immutability with the current reality (which changed back in 0.82_01)
    • Removed the immutable_transformer method, which had been returning undef since 0.82_01 anyway.
  • Tests
    • Got rid of tests which needed Moose and improved testing of constructor/destructor inlining warnings. Fixes RT #47119.


A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
Attribute Meta Object
Class Meta Object
An immutable subclass of Class::MOP::Class
Implements immutability for metaclass objects
Instance Meta Object
Method Meta Object
Method Meta Object for accessors
Method Meta Object for constructors
Abstract base class for generated methods
Method base class for methods which have been inlined
Method Meta Object for methods with before/after/around modifiers
Module Meta Object
Base class for metaclasses
Package Meta Object
a pragma for installing and using Class::MOP metaclasses