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Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit - Git pre-commit hook that requires files to be tidyall'd
version 0.48
In .git/hooks/pre-commit:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit;
This module implements a Git pre-commit hook that checks if all files are tidied and valid according to tidyall, and rejects the commit if not. Files/commits are never modified by this hook.
See also Code::TidyAll::Git::Prereceive, which validates pushes to a shared repo.
- check (key/value params...)
Class method. Check that all files being added or modified in this commit are tidied and valid according to tidyall. If not, then the entire commit is rejected and the reason(s) are output to the client. e.g.
% git commit -m "fixups" CHI.pm CHI/Driver.pm 2 files did not pass tidyall check lib/CHI.pm: *** 'PerlTidy': needs tidying lib/CHI/Driver.pm: *** 'PerlCritic': Code before strictures are enabled at /tmp/Code-TidyAll-0e6K/Driver.pm line 2 [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict]
In an emergency the hook can be bypassed by passing --no-verify to commit:
% git commit --no-verify ...
or you can just move
out of the way temporarily.The configuration file (
) must be checked into git in the repo root directory i.e. next to the .git directory.The hook will stash any changes not in the index beforehand, and restore them afterwards, via
git stash -q --keep-index .... git stash pop -q
This means that if the configuration file has uncommitted changes that are not in the index, they will not affect the tidyall run.
Passes mode = "commit" by default; see modes.
Key/value parameters:
- conf_name
Conf file name to search for instead of the defaults.
- git_path
Path to git to use in commands, e.g. '/usr/bin/git' or '/usr/local/bin/git'. By default, just uses 'git', which will search the user's PATH.
- no_stash
Don't attempt to stash changes not in the index. This means the hook will process even files that are not going to be committed.
- tidyall_class
Subclass to use instead of Code::TidyAll
- tidyall_options
Hashref of options to pass to the Code::TidyAll constructor
This hook must be placed manually in each copy of the repo - there is no way to automatically distribute or enforce it. However, you can make things easier on yourself or your developers as follows:
Create a directory called
at the top of your repo (note no dot prefix).mkdir -p git/hooks
Commit your pre-commit script in
containing:#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit; Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit->check();
Add a setup script in
containing#!/bin/bash chmod +x git/hooks/pre-commit cd .git/hooks ln -s ../../git/hooks/pre-commit
(or tell your developers to run it) once for each new clone of the repo
More information on pre-commit hooks and the impossibility of enforcing them here.
See also Code::TidyAll::Git::Prereceive, which enforces tidyall on pushes to a remote shared repository.
bugs may be submitted through https://github.com/houseabsolute/perl-code-tidyall/issues.
I am also usually active on IRC as 'drolsky' on irc://irc.perl.org
Jonathan Swartz <swartz@pobox.com>
Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 - 2016 by Jonathan Swartz.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.