Changes for version 0.08 - 2011-06-06
- The content() and encoded_content() methods for Courriel::Part::Single now return strings, rather than references. This makes the typical use simpler. You can still get the reference directly by calling content_ref() and encoded_content_ref().
- Make sure that any Content-ID header set via Courriel::Builder is formatted properly (the id value should be wrapped in angle brackets).
High level email parsing and manipulation
Build emails with sugar
The content type for an email part
The content disposition for an email part
The headers for an email part
A part which contains other parts
A part which does not contain other parts, only content
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Types/