Changes for version 0.14 - 2011-06-25
- An email part with non-text content would still be treated as character data rather than binary data, and its Content-Type header would end up with a charset of us-ascii. This has been fixed, and now you must explicitly ask for a charset in the Content-Type header when creating a Courriel::ContentType object. Note that plain and html body parts created via Courriel::Builder are unaffected, since these always default to UTF-8 as the charset. Reported by ico. RT #69085.
- Added Courriel::ContentType->has_charset() and Courriel::ContentType->is_binary() methods.
High level email parsing and manipulation
Build emails with sugar
The content type for an email part
The content disposition for an email part
The headers for an email part
A part which contains other parts
A part which does not contain other parts, only content
Email::Abstract wrapper for Courriel
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Types/