Changes for version 0.20 - 2011-09-11

    • The way headers are represented has been changed quite a bit internally. Read on for details.
      • All headers are now represented as Courriel::Header objects instead of plain strings. This means that calling $headers->get('Foo') returns objects. To get the value, you need to call ->value on the individual objects.
      • See Courriel::Header for the new class for headers.
    • As a corrolary, the Courriel::ContentType and Courriel::Disposition classes have been renamed to Courriel::Header::ContentType and Courriel::Header::Disposition. They are both now subclasses of Courriel::Header. The APIs of these classes have remained mostly the same, except for attribute handling (see below).
      • The old classes are still shipped in the distro, but they die when loaded. This avoids leaving behind old modules which no longer work with newer versions of Courriel.
      • Methods which returned the old object now return the new one. The Courriel::Headers class will return the appropriate object when the header is fetched with $headers->get().
    • Header attributes for the Content-Type and Content-Disposition object are now represented as Courriel::HeaderAttribute objects. This is necessary because these attributes may contain information about their character set and language, per RFC2231.
    • Header attributes with character set and language data per RFC2231 are now parsed properly. Reported by zby.
    • Header attribute parsing is much laxer and will not die on bad attributes syntax (in most cases). It simply stops parsing and ignores bad data.


High level email parsing and manipulation
Build emails with sugar
See Courriel::Header::ContentType
See Courriel::Header::Disposition
A single header's name and value
The content type for an email part
The content disposition for an email part
A single attribute belonging to a header
The headers for an email part
A part which contains other parts
A part which does not contain other parts, only content
Email::Abstract wrapper for Courriel


in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Types/