Changes for version 0.21 - 2011-09-12

    • The ->get_attribute() method for Courriel::ContentType and ::Disposition objects was replaced by ->attribute in 0.20.
    • Added a new ->get_values() method to Courriel::Headers. This lets you get the header string values directly.
    • Added a new ->attribute_value() for Courriel::Header::ContentType and ::Disposition. This lets you get the attribute's string value, if the attribute exists. Suggested by zby.
    • The previous release documented a method ->get_attribute() for Courriel::Header::ContentType and ::Disposition objects. This method was removed in 0.20 and replaced with a method named ->attribute().


High level email parsing and manipulation
Build emails with sugar
See Courriel::Header::ContentType
See Courriel::Header::Disposition
A single header's name and value
The content type for an email part
The content disposition for an email part
A single attribute belonging to a header
The headers for an email part
A part which contains other parts
A part which does not contain other parts, only content
Email::Abstract wrapper for Courriel


in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Types/