Changes for version 0.27 - 2011-09-24
- All objects which can stringify now support a ->stream_to API as well. This lets you stream their string output to a sub ref, filehandle, or an object with a ->print() method. If you are dealing with large emails, this API may be more efficient than generating a single string in memory.
- Renamed the Header->as_header_string and HeaderAttribute->as_header_string methods to as_string, so that all objects have the same stringification API.
High level email parsing and manipulation
Build emails with sugar
See Courriel::Header::ContentType
See Courriel::Header::Disposition
A single header's name and value
The content type for an email part
The content disposition for an email part
A single attribute belonging to a header
The headers for an email part
A part which contains other parts
A part which does not contain other parts, only content
Email::Abstract wrapper for Courriel
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/Role/
in lib/Courriel/
in lib/Courriel/Types/