DateTime::Locale::Catalog - Provides a list of all valid locale names
See DateTime::Locale for usage details.
This module contains a list of all known locales.
Any method taking locale id or name arguments should use one of the values listed below. Ids and names are case sensitive.
Always select the closest matching locale - for example, French Canadians would choose fr_CA over fr - and always use locale ids in preference to names; locale ids offer greater compatibility when using localized third party modules.
The available locales are:
Locale id Locale name
There are also many aliases available, mostly for three-letter language codes, these are:
Locale id Is an alias for
See DateTime::Locale.
Dave Rolsky <autarch\>
Copyright (c) 2008 David Rolsky. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This module was generated from data provided by the CLDR project, see the LICENSE.cldr in this distribution for details on the CLDR data's license.
use DateTime;
my \$dt = DateTime->now( locale => '$id' );
print \$dt->month_name();
This is the DateTime locale package for $name.
if ( $id ne 'root' )
print {$fh}
'This locale inherits from the L<DateTime::Locale::' . $ldml->parent_id() . "> locale.\n\n";
print {$fh} "It contains the following data.\n\n";
sub pod_for_days { my $locale = shift;
return pod_for_variations( $locale, 'day' );
sub pod_for_months { my $locale = shift;
return pod_for_variations( $locale, 'month' );
sub pod_for_quarters { my $locale = shift;
return pod_for_variations( $locale, 'quarter' );
sub pod_for_eras { my $locale = shift;
return pod_for_variations( $locale, 'era' );
sub pod_for_variations { my $locale = shift; my $thing = shift;
my $pod = '';
my $pl = PL_N( $thing );
$pod .= "=head2 \u$pl\n\n";
my @forms = $thing eq 'era' ? ('') : ( 'format', 'stand_alone' );
for my $form (@forms)
for my $size ( qw( wide abbreviated narrow ) )
my $meth = $form ? $thing . q{_} . $form . q{_} . $size : $thing . q{_} . $size;
next unless $locale->can($meth);
my $head = ucfirst $size;
if ($form)
( my $f = $form ) =~ s/_/-/;
$head .= " ($f)";
$pod .= "=head3 $head\n\n";
for my $val ( @{ $locale->$meth() } )
$pod .= " $val\n";
$pod .= "\n";
return $pod;
sub pod_for_formats { my $locale = shift;
unless ( DateTime->can('new') )
eval "use DateTime 0.43";
die $@ if $@;
my @dts =
( DateTime->new( year => 2008,
month => 2,
day => 5,
hour => 12,
minute => 30,
second => 30,
locale => $locale,
time_zone => 'UTC',
DateTime->new( year => 1995,
month => 12,
day => 22,
hour => 9,
minute => 5,
second => 2,
locale => $locale,
time_zone => 'UTC',
DateTime->new( year => -10,
month => 12,
day => 22,
hour => 23,
minute => 5,
second => 2,
locale => $locale,
time_zone => 'UTC',
return pod_for_standard_formats( $locale, \@dts )
. pod_for_available_formats( $locale, \@dts )
sub pod_for_standard_formats { my $locale = shift; my $dts = shift;
my $pod = '';
for my $type ( qw( date time datetime ) )
$pod .= "=head2 \u$type Formats\n\n";
for my $length ( qw( full long medium short default ) )
$pod .= "=head3 \u$length\n\n";
my $meth = $type . q{_} . 'format' . q{_} . $length;
for my $dt ( @{ $dts } )
$pod .=
sprintf( ' %20s = %s',
$dt->format_cldr( $locale->$meth() ),
$pod .= "\n";
$pod .= "\n";
return $pod;
sub pod_for_available_formats { my $locale = shift; my $dts = shift;
my $pod = '';
$pod .= "=head2 Available Formats\n\n";
for my $format ( $locale->available_formats() )
my $cldr = $locale->format_for($format);
$pod .= "=head3 $format ($cldr)\n\n";
for my $dt ( @{ $dts } )
$pod .=
sprintf( ' %20s = %s',
$pod .= "\n";
$pod .= "\n";
return $pod;
sub pod_for_misc { my $locale = shift;
my $pod = "=head2 Miscellaneous\n\n";
$pod .= "=head3 Prefers 24 hour time?\n\n";
$pod .= $locale->prefers_24_hour_time() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
$pod .= "\n\n";
$pod .= "=head3 Local first day of the week\n\n";
$pod .= $locale->day_format_wide()->[ $locale->first_day_of_week() - 1 ];
$pod .= "\n\n";
return $pod;
sub pod_footer { return <<'EOF';
See DateTime::Locale.
Dave Rolsky <>
Copyright (c) 2008 David Rolsky. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This module was generated from data provided by the CLDR project, see the LICENSE.cldr in this distribution for details on the CLDR data's license.