0.17 2014-08-15
Renamed the attributes but didn't fix the method calls in the last version.
0.16 2014-08-15
Renamed some options - coverage_* => pod_coverage_*
0.15 2014-08-12
Ordering fix take 2.
0.14 2014-08-12
Hopefully fix an ordering issue with the Git plugins.
0.13 2014-08-12
Use GatherDir to exclude files rather than PruneFiles.
0.12 2014-08-03
Added Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable plugin.
Removed the remove option in favor of -remove.
0.11 2014-08-02
Added GitHub::Update plugin.
0.10 2014-08-02
Added a number of additional plugins to help me make better dists.
Moved this distro to GitHub.
0.09 2014-05-04
Use Test::NoTabs plugin instead of NoTabsTests.
0.08 2014-04-05
Internals fixes to work with Config::MVP that is stricter about handling
plugin options passed by this bundle. Reported by Karen Etheridge. RT
Make sure all the plugins this bundle uses end up declared as
prereqs. Reported by Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker. RT #94363.
0.07 2014-01-25
Added the PruneFiles plugin to prune the README file that gets copied from
the build.
Allow the README to be dirty for Git::Commit.
0.06 2014-01-25
Added "do_munging => 0" to the options for the Authority plugin so it
doesn't add a useless $AUTHORITY var to packages.
0.05 2013-12-13
Added ContributorsFromGit and Meta::Contributors plugins.
0.04 2013-12-13
Added more plugins and support for removing plugins.
0.03 2013-06-07
Allow multiple prereqs_skip and stopwords properties
0.02 2013-05-13
Allow prereqs_skip option to be passed to AutoPrereqs
0.01 2013-04-21
First release upon an unsuspecting world.