package Fey::FK;
use strict;
use Fey::Exceptions qw(param_error);
use List::AllUtils qw( max uniq all pairwise );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use Moose;
use MooseX::Params::Validate qw( pos_validated_list );
has 'id' =>
( is => 'ro',
lazy_build => 1,
init_arg => undef,
has [ qw( source_columns target_columns ) ] =>
( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Fey.Type.ArrayRefOfColumns',
required => 1,
coerce => 1,
has [ qw( source_table target_table ) ] =>
( is => 'ro',
does => 'Fey::Role::TableLike',
lazy_build => 1,
init_arg => undef,
has column_pairs =>
( is => 'ro',
# really, the inner array refs must always contain 2 columns,
# but we don't have structured constraints quite yet.
isa => 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Fey::Column]]',
lazy_build => 1,
init_arg => undef,
has is_self_referential =>
( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Bool',
lazy_build => 1,
init_arg => 1,
my $self = shift;
my $p = shift;
my @source = @{ $self->source_columns() };
my @target = @{ $self->target_columns() };
unless ( @source == @target )
( "The source and target arrays passed to add_foreign_key()"
. " must contain the same number of columns." );
if ( grep { ! $_->table() } @source, @target )
param_error "All columns passed to add_foreign_key() must have a table.";
for my $p ( [ source => \@source ], [ target => \@target ] )
my ( $name, $array ) = @{$p};
if ( uniq( map { $_->table() } @{$array} ) > 1 )
( "Each column in the $name argument to add_foreign_key()"
. " must come from the same table." );
sub _build_id
my $self = shift;
return join "\0",
( sort
map { $_->table()->name() . q{.} . $_->name() }
@{ $self->source_columns() }, @{ $self->target_columns() }
sub _build_column_pairs
my $self = shift;
my @s = @{ $self->source_columns() };
my @t = @{ $self->target_columns() };
return [ pairwise { [ $a, $b ] } @s, @t ];
sub _build_source_table
my $self = shift;
return $self->source_columns()->[0]->table();
sub _build_target_table
my $self = shift;
return $self->target_columns()->[0]->table();
sub has_tables
my $self = shift;
my ( $table1, $table2 ) =
pos_validated_list( \@_,
{ isa => 'Fey.Type.TableOrName' },
{ isa => 'Fey.Type.TableOrName' },
my $name1 = blessed $table1 ? $table1->name() : $table1;
my $name2 = blessed $table2 ? $table2->name() : $table2;
my @looking_for = sort $name1, $name2;
my @have =
sort map { $_->name() } $self->source_table(), $self->target_table();
return ( $looking_for[0] eq $have[0]
&& $looking_for[1] eq $have[1] );
sub has_column
my $self = shift;
my ($col) = pos_validated_list( \@_, { isa => 'Fey::Column' } );
my $table_name = $col->table()->name();
my @cols;
for my $part ( qw( source target ) )
my $table_meth = $part . '_table';
if ( $self->$table_meth()->name() eq $table_name )
my $col_meth = $part . '_columns';
@cols = @{ $self->$col_meth() };
return 0 unless @cols;
my $col_name = $col->name();
return 1 if grep { $_->name() eq $col_name } @cols;
return 0;
sub _build_is_self_referential
my $self = shift;
return $self->source_table()->name() eq $self->target_table()->name();
sub pretty_print
my $self = shift;
my @source_columns = @{ $self->source_columns() };
my @target_columns = @{ $self->target_columns() };
my $longest =
map { length $_->name() }
$self->source_table(), $self->target_table(),
@source_columns, @target_columns;
$longest += 2;
my $string = sprintf( "\%-${longest}s \%-${longest}s\n",
$string .= ('-') x $longest;
$string .= q{ };
$string .= ('-') x $longest;
$string .= "\n";
$string .=
( join '', pairwise { sprintf( "\%-${longest}s \%-${longest}s\n",
$a->name(), $b->name() ) }
@source_columns, @target_columns
return $string;
no Moose;
no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
=head1 NAME
Fey::FK - Represents a foreign key
my $fk = Fey::FK->new( source => $user_id_from_user_table,
target => $user_id_from_department_table,
This class represents a foreign key, connecting one or more columns in
one table to columns in another table.
=head1 METHODS
This class provides the following methods:
=head2 Fey::FK->new()
This method constructs a new C<Fey::FK> object. It takes the following
=over 4
=item * source_columns - required
=item * target_columns - required
These parameters must be either a single C<Fey::Column> object or an
array reference containing one or more column objects.
The number of columns for the source and target must be the same.
=head2 $fk->source_table()
=head2 $fk->target_table()
Returns the appropriate C<Fey::Table> object.
=head2 $fk->source_columns()
=head2 $fk->target_columns()
Returns the appropriate list of C<Fey::Column> objects as an array
=head2 $fk->column_pairs()
Returns an array reference. Each element of this reference is in turn
a two-element array reference of C<Fey::Column> objects, one from the
source table and one from the target.
=head2 $fk->has_tables( $table1, $table2 )
This method returns true if the foreign key includes both of the
specified tables. The talbles can be specified by name or as
C<Fey::Table> objects.
=head2 $fk->has_column($column)
Given a C<Fey::Column> object, this method returns true if the foreign
key includes the specified column.
=head2 $fk->is_self_referential()
This returns true if the the source and target tables for the foreign
key are the same table.
=head2 $fk->pretty_print()
Returns a stringified representation of the foreign key in a pretty
layout something like this:
User Message
------- -------
user_id user_id
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky, <>
=head1 BUGS
See L<Fey> for details on how to report bugs.
Copyright 2006-2009 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.