use strict;
use Fey::Exceptions qw(param_error);
qw( validate validate_pos
use Moose::Policy 'MooseX::Policy::SemiAffordanceAccessor';
use Moose;
has 'table' =>
( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Fey::Table',
handles => [ 'schema', 'name' ],
has 'alias_name' =>
( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
lazy => 1,
default => \&_default_alias_name,
my %Numbers;
sub _default_alias_name
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->name();
$Numbers{$name} ||= 0;
return $name . ++$Numbers{$name};
my $spec = (SCALAR_TYPE);
sub column
my $self = shift;
my ($name) = validate_pos( @_, $spec );
return $self->{columns}{$name}
if $self->{columns}{$name};
my $col = $self->table()->column($name)
or return;
my $clone = $col->_clone();
return $self->{columns}{$name} = $clone;
sub columns
my $self = shift;
my @cols = @_ ? @_ : map { $_->name() } $self->table()->columns();
return map { $self->column($_) } @cols;
sub primary_key { return $_[0]->columns( map { $_->name() } $_[0]->table()->primary_key ) }
sub is_alias { 1 }
sub sql_with_alias
( $_[1]->quote_identifier( $_[0]->table()->name() )
. ' AS '
. $_[1]->quote_identifier( $_[0]->alias_name() )
sub id { $_[0]->alias_name() }
no Moose;
=head1 NAME
Fey::Table - Represents an alias for a table
my $alias = $user_table->alias();
my $alias = $user_table->alias( alias_name => 'User2' );
This class represents an alias for a table. Table aliases allow you to
join the same table more than once in a query, which makes certain
types of queries simpler to express.
=head1 METHODS
This class provides the following methods:
=head2 Fey::Table::Alias->new()
This method constructs a new C<Fey::Table::Alias> object. It takes the
following parameters:
=over 4
=item * table - required
This is the C<Fey::Table> object which we are aliasing.
=item * alias_name - optional
This should be a valid table name for your DBMS. If not provided, a
unique name is automatically created.
=head2 $alias->table()
Returns the C<Fey::Table> object for which this object is an alias.
=head2 $alias->alias_name()
Returns the name for this alias.
=head2 $alias->name()
=head2 $alias->schema()
These methods work like the corresponding methods in
C<Fey::Table>. The C<name()> method returns the real table name.
=head2 $alias->column($name)
=head2 $alias->columns()
=head2 $alias->columns(@names)
=head2 $alias->primary_key()
These methods work like the corresponding methods in
C<Fey::Table>. However, the columns they return will return the alias
object when C<< $column->table() >> is called.
=head2 $alias->is_alias()
Always returns true.
=head2 $alias->sql_with_alias()
Returns the appropriate SQL snippet for the alias.
=head2 $alias->id()
Returns a unique string identifying the alias.
=head1 ROLES
This class does the C<Fey::Role::Joinable> role.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky, <>
=head1 BUGS
See L<Fey> for details on how to report bugs.
Copyright 2006-2008 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.