Changes for version 0.07 - 2008-06-22

  • Cached has_one and has_many attributes now have a private clearer.
  • Various internals changes so that the meta classes now have more attributes, rather than creating lots of class attributes in the classes which use Fey::ORM::{Table,Schema}.
  • Added Fey::Meta::Attribute::FromSelect. This allows you to easily define an attribute's default based on a SELECT query.


Fey::ORM Manual Index
Introduction to Fey::ORM


A hash where the keys are sets of Fey::Column objects
an attribute metaclass for SELECT-based attributes
A metaclass for schema classes
A metaclass for table classes
A Fey-based ORM
Defines exceptions used for Fey::ORM
Provides sugar for schema-based classes
Provides sugar for table-based classes
Wraps a DBI statement handle to construct objects from the results
A caching subclass of Fey::Object::Iterator
Base class for schema-based objects
Base class for table-based objects


in lib/Fey/Meta/Method/
