Changes for version 0.30 - 2009-10-25

  • The Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect class used to expect that the number of elements in the select object's select clause matched the number of items actually returned by the select in each row. However, if you used a Term to do a "SELECT *" this assumption was broken. The assumption meant that even providing an explicit attribute map in this case did not work.
  • As a corrolary, Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect used to attempt to merge an explicit attribute map with what was implied by any columns in the select object's select clause. This was never actually documented, and has been removed.
    • Now, providing an explicit map means you must provide a mapping for every select clause element you want to pass to an object.
  • Added Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect->raw_row(). This method lets you get the raw data for a row after calling ->next(). This is handy if the select contained data that does not fit into a particular class.


Fey::ORM Manual Index
Introduction to Fey::ORM


A hash where the keys are sets of Fey::Column objects
an attribute metaclass for column-based attributes
an attribute metaclass for attributes with an inflator
an attribute metaclass for SELECT-based attributes
A metaclass for schema classes
A metaclass for table classes
A parent for foreign key-based metaclasses
A parent for has-many metaclasses
A parent for has-one metaclasses based on a Fey::FK object
A parent for has-one metaclasses based on a query object
A parent for has-one metaclasses
A parent for has-one metaclasses based on a Fey::FK object
A parent for has-one metaclasses based on a query object
A Fey-based ORM
Defines exceptions used for Fey::ORM
Declarative policies for Fey::ORM using classes
A role for things that iterate over Fey::Object::Table objects
Provides sugar for schema-based classes
Provides sugar for table-based classes
An iterator which iterates over an array of objects
Wraps a DBI statement handle to construct objects from the results
A caching subclass of Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect
An object representing a specific policy
Base class for schema-based objects
Base class for table-based objects


in lib/Fey/Meta/Method/