use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.32';
use List::AllUtils qw( pairwise );
requires qw( _get_next_result reset );
my $arrayref_of_classes
= subtype as 'ArrayRef[ClassName]',
where { @{$_} > 0 };
coerce $arrayref_of_classes => from 'ClassName' => via { return [$_] };
has classes => (
is => 'ro',
isa => $arrayref_of_classes,
coerce => 1,
required => 1,
has index => (
traits => ['Counter'],
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Int',
default => 0,
init_arg => undef,
handles => {
_inc_index => 'inc',
_reset_index => 'reset',
has _can_make_hashes => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Bool',
lazy => 1,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
List::AllUtils::all { $_->can('Table') } @{ $_[0]->classes() };
sub next {
my $self = shift;
my $result = $self->_get_next_result();
return unless $result;
return wantarray ? @{$result} : $result->[0];
sub next_as_hash {
my $self = shift;
die 'Cannot make a hash unless all classes have a Table() method'
unless $self->_can_make_hashes();
my @result = $self->next();
return unless @result;
return pairwise { $a->Table()->name() => $b } @{ $self->classes() },
sub all {
my $self = shift;
$self->reset() if $self->index();
return $self->remaining();
sub all_as_hashes {
my $self = shift;
$self->reset() if $self->index();
return $self->remaining_as_hashes();
sub remaining {
my $self = shift;
my @result;
while ( my @r = $self->next() ) {
push @result, @r == 1 ? @r : \@r;
return @result;
sub remaining_as_hashes {
my $self = shift;
my @result;
while ( my %r = $self->next_as_hash() ) {
push @result, \%r;
return @result;
=head1 NAME
Fey::ORM::Role::Iterator - A role for things that iterate over Fey::Object::Table objects
package My::Iterator;
use Moose;
with 'Fey::ORM::Role::Iterator';
This role provides some common methods used by
C<Fey::Object::Iterator> classes, as well as defining a consistent
interface for iterators.
Classes which consume this role must provide C<_get_next_result()> and
C<reset()> methods.
This role provides the following attributes.
=head2 $iterator->classes()
An array reference of class names. Each class must be a subclass of
=head2 $iterator->index()
The current iterator index. Also provides C<_inc_index()> and
C<_reset_index()> methods.
This role provides the following methods. These methods are documented
in L<Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect>.
=head2 $iterator->next
=head2 $iterator->next_as_hash()
=head2 $iterator->all()
=head2 $iterator->all_as_hashes()
=head2 $iterator->remaining()
=head2 $iterator->remaining_as_hashes()
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky, <>
=head1 BUGS
See L<Fey::ORM> for details.
Copyright 2006-2009 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.