Fey::Meta::Class::Table - A metaclass for table classes


package MyApp::User;

use Fey::ORM::Table;

print __PACKAGE__->meta()->ClassForTable($table);


This is the metaclass for table classes. When you use Fey::ORM::Table in your class, it uses this class to do all the heavy lifting.


This class provides the following methods:

Fey::Meta::Class::Table->ClassForTable( $table1, $table2 )

Given one or more Fey::Table objects, this method returns the name of the class which "has" that table, if any.


Given a class, this method returns the Fey::Table object associated with that class, if any.


Returns the Fey::Table for the metaclass's class.


Creates a new Fey::Meta::HasOne::ViaFK or Fey::Meta::HasOne::ViaSelect object and adds it to the metaclass. Internally, this will call attach_to_class() on the HasOne meta-object.


Returns a list of the Fey::Meta::HasOne objects added to this metaclass.


Removes the named HasOne meta-object. Internally, this will call detach_from_class() on the HasOne meta-object.


Creates a new Fey::Meta::HasMany::ViaFK or Fey::Meta::HasMany::ViaSelect object and adds it to the metaclass. Internally, this will call attach_to_class() on the HasMany meta-object.


Returns a list of the Fey::Meta::HasMany objects added to this metaclass.


Removes the named HasMany meta-object. Internally, this will call detach_from_class() on the HasMany meta-object.


Returns a boolean indicating whether or not there is an inflator defined for the named column.


Returns a boolean indicating whether or not there is an inflator defined for the named column.


Adds a new Fey::Meta::Method::FromSelect method to the class. The %options passed to this method will be passed to the Fey::Meta::Method::FromSelect constructor.


This class overrides Moose::Meta::Class->make_immutable() in order to do its own optimizations for immutability.


Dave Rolsky, <>


See Fey::ORM for details.


Copyright 2006-2009 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.