0.040003 2014-05-28
Explicitly import the B module when we use it. This didn't break on our Perl
but broke elsewhere. Reported by Wes Young. GitHub PR #3.
0.040002 2014-02-03
Any webservice response with boolean values in the response caused a type
error to be thrown.
0.040001 2014-01-14
Updated the docs to mention the MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS module.
Renamed the languages constructor parameter to locales for both the Client
and Reader classes.
0.040000 2013-07-16
Added the GeoIP2::Database::Reader class. This provides an API for looking
up data in a GeoIP2 database, as opposed to making a web service call.
Switched the version number scheme to X.YYYZZZ.
If an IP address is not found, whether for a web service call or in a
downloaded database, the code always throws a
GeoIP2::Error::IPAddressNotFound exception.
0.0302 2013-06-20
Make the license section of the docs match the LICENSE file in the repo. We
meant to use "same as Perl 5" everywhere.
0.0301 2013-06-10
The first official beta release of this API.
0.0300 2013-05-23
Allow IPv6 addresses to be passed to the GeoIP2::WebService::Client class's
We now support more languages. The new languages are de, es, fr, and pt-BR.
Postal code data is now returned as a separate top-level object. We now
provide a GeoIP2::Record::Postal class for this data.
The REST API returns a record with data about your account. There is a new
GeoIP2::Record::MaxMind class for this data.
Fixed bug in the City & CityISPOrg classes. Their subdivions() method was
not working.
Type constraint errors are now thrown as GeoIP2::Type::Error objects.
0.0200 2013-05-13
Replaced all uses of Webservice with WebService.
0.0100 2013-05-13
First release upon an unsuspecting world.