HTML::Mason::Resolver - base class for component path resolvers


# make a subclass and use it


The resolver is responsible for translating a component path like /foo/index.html into a component. By default, Mason expects components to be stored on the filesystem, and uses the HTML::Mason::Resolver::File class to get information on these components.

The HTML::Mason::Resolver provides a virtual parent class from which all resolver implementations should inherit.


This class is used by most of the Mason object's to manage constructor parameters and has-a relationships with other objects.

See the documentation on this class for details on how to declare what paremeters are valid for your subclass's constructor.

HTML::Mason::Resolver is a subclass of Class::Container so you do not need to subclass it yourself.


If you are interested in creating a resolver subclass, you must implement the following methods.


This method is optional. The new method included in this class is simply inherited from Class::Container. If you need something more complicated done in your new method you will need to override it in your subclass.


Given an absolute component path, returns a new HTML::Mason::ComponentSource object.


The only argument to this method is a path glob pattern, something like "/foo/*" or "/foo/*/bar". Given this path, it should return a list of component paths for components which match this glob pattern.

For example, the filesystem resolver simply appends this pattern to each component root in turn and calls the Perl glob() function to find matching files on the filesystem.

Using a Resolver with HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler

If you are creating a new resolver that you intend to use with the HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler module, then you must implement the following method as well, possibly in a different subclass.

apache_request_to_comp_path ($r)

This method, given an Apache object, should return a component path. This method is used by the HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler class to translate web requests into component paths. You can omit this method if your resolver subclass will never be used in conjunction with HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler.

For example, Mason includes the HTML::Mason::Resolver::File and HTML::Mason::Resolver::File::ApacheHandler classes. The latter simply adds an implementation of the apache_request_to_comp_path method for file based components.

