Changes for version 2.23
- A new constructor API that simplifies creating your Log::Dispatch object:
- Log::Dispatch->new( outputs => [ File => { ... }, Screen => { ... }, ], );
- Implemented by Jon Swartz.
- Made name parameter optional. We now auto-generate a unique name if one is not given. Implemented by Jon Swartz.
- Added a newline parameter that causes a newline to be added to each message, and updated the documentation regarding newlines. Implemented by Jon Swartz.
- Removed repetitive boilerplate documentation from each output class. Implemented by Jon Swartz.
- The level_names and level_numbers used internally are now computed once and shared between output objects. Implemented by Jon Swartz.
- Updated repo url - now at
- Explicitly depend on Sys::Syslog 0.16.
- Added warn as a synonym for warning. RT #44821. Requested by Dylan Martin.
- Added an add_callback method to Log::Dispatch and Log::Dispatch::Output. This lets you add a new formatting callback after an object is created. Based on a patch from Ricardo Signes. RT #48283.
- The Log::Dispatch docs mistakenly told you to provide a log() method when creating a new output class. RT #40561.
- Made all modules have the same version as Log::Dispatch itself.
Dispatches messages to one or more outputs
Object for logging to Apache::Log objects
Code shared by dispatch and output objects.
Base class for objects that send log messages via email
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the MIME::Lite module
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Send module
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Sender module
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Sendmail module
Object for logging to files
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::File to facilitate locking
Object for logging to IO::Handle classes
Object that accepts messages and does nothing
Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* objects
Object for logging to the screen
Object for logging to system log.