Changes for version 2.54 - 2016-01-18
- Fixed File::Locked even more. While some deadlocks were eliminated, there was still an issue when a Log::Dispatch object was created in a parent process and then recreated in the children. If the close_after_write parameter was false, then there would be a deadlock.
- Made Syslog work on a threaded Perl when the threads module was not explicitly loaded. Fixed by Konrad Bucheli. GitHub #13.
- The log() method now accepts a level parameter as an integer. Fixed by Steve Bertrand. GitHub #15.
Dispatches messages to one or more outputs
Object for logging to Apache::Log objects
Code shared by dispatch and output objects.
Object for logging to a subroutine reference
Base class for objects that send log messages via email
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the MIME::Lite module
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Send module
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Sender module
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::Email that uses the Mail::Sendmail module
Object for logging to files
Subclass of Log::Dispatch::File to facilitate locking
Object for logging to IO::Handle classes
Object that accepts messages and does nothing
Base class for all Log::Dispatch::* objects
Object for logging to the screen
Object for logging to system log.
Variables used internally by multiple packages