use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.05';
use Digest::SHA1 qw( sha1_hex );
use Markdent::Regexes qw( :block $HTMLComment );
use Markdent::Types qw( Str Int Bool ArrayRef HashRef );
use Moose;
has __html_blocks => (
traits => ['Hash'],
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
default => sub { {} },
init_arg => undef,
handles => {
_save_html_block => 'set',
_get_html_block => 'get',
has _list_level => (
traits => ['Counter'],
is => 'rw',
isa => Int,
default => 0,
init_arg => undef,
handles => {
'_inc_list_level' => 'inc',
'_dec_list_level' => 'dec',
has _list_item_is_paragraph => (
traits => ['Bool'],
isa => Bool,
default => 0,
init_arg => undef,
handles => {
_treat_list_item_as_paragraph => 'set',
_treat_list_item_as_line => 'unset',
sub parse_document {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
# Stolen from Text::Markdown, along with the whole "extract and replace
# with hash" concept.
my $block_names_re = qr{
p | div | h[1-6] | blockquote | pre | table |
dl | ol | ul | script | noscript | form |
fieldset | iframe | math | ins | del
sub _hash_html_blocks {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
=~ s{
( $BlockStart )
^ < ($block_names_re) [^>]* >
(?s: .+? )
(?: </ \3 > \n )+ # This catches repetitions of the final closing block
{ ( $1 || q{} ) . $self->_hash_and_save_html($2) }egxm;
sub _hash_and_save_html {
my $self = shift;
my $html = shift;
my $sha1 = sha1_hex($html);
$self->_save_html_block( $sha1 => $html );
return 'html:' . $sha1 . "\n";
sub _parse_text {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $last_pos;
my $x = 1;
while (1) {
if ( $self->debug() && pos ${$text} ) {
$self->_print_debug( "Remaining text:\n[\n"
. substr( ${$text}, pos ${$text} )
. "\n]\n" );
if ( ${$text} =~ / \G \p{Space}* \z /xgc ) {
my $current_pos = pos ${$text} || 0;
if ( defined $last_pos && $last_pos == $current_pos ) {
my $msg = "About to enter an endless loop (pos = $current_pos)!\n";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= substr( ${$text}, $last_pos );
$msg .= "\n";
die $msg;
my @look_for = $self->_possible_block_matches();
for my $block (@look_for) {
my $meth = '_match_' . $block;
and next PARSE;
$last_pos = pos ${$text} || 0;
sub _possible_block_matches {
my $self = shift;
my @look_for;
push @look_for, qw( hashed_html horizontal_rule )
unless $self->_list_level();
push @look_for,
qw( html_comment
atx_header two_line_header
blockquote preformatted list );
push @look_for, 'list_item'
if $self->_list_level();
push @look_for, 'paragraph';
return @look_for;
sub _match_hashed_html {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
my $html = $self->_get_html_block($2);
return unless defined $html;
'hashed html',
) if $self->debug();
HTMLBlock => html => $html,
return 1;
sub _match_html_comment {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
my $comment = $1;
'html comment block',
) if $self->debug();
$self->_send_event( HTMLCommentBlock => text => $comment );
return 1;
my $AtxHeader = qr/ ^
sub _match_atx_header {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
my $level = length $2;
my $header_text = $3 . "\n";
'atx header',
[ level => $level ],
) if $self->debug();
$header_text =~ s/^$HorizontalWS*//;
$self->_header( $level, $header_text );
return 1;
my $TwoLineHeader = qr/ ^
\S # must have some non-ws
.+ # anything else
^(=+|-+) # underline marking a header
sub _match_two_line_header {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
my $level = substr( $3, 0, 1 ) eq '=' ? 1 : 2;
'two-line header',
[ level => $level ],
) if $self->debug();
$self->_header( $level, $2 );
return 1;
sub _header {
my $self = shift;
my $level = shift;
my $text = shift;
$self->_send_event( StartHeader => level => $level );
$self->_send_event( EndHeader => level => $level );
return 1;
my $HorizontalRule = qr/ ^
(?: \* \p{SpaceSeparator}? ){3,}
(?: - \p{SpaceSeparator}? ){3,}
(?: _ \p{SpaceSeparator}? ){3,}
sub _match_horizontal_rule {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
'horizontal rule',
) if $self->debug();
return 1;
sub _match_blockquote {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
$EmptyLine # ... an empty line
\S # ... followed by content in column 1
(?! # ... which is not
> # ... a blockquote
\s* # or end of the document
my $bq = $1;
) if $self->debug();
$bq =~ s/^>(?: \p{SpaceSeparator} | \t )?//gxm;
# Even if the blockquote is inside a list, we want to look for paragraphs,
# not list items.
my $list_level = $self->_list_level();
# Dingus treats a new blockquote level as starting a new paragraph as
# well. If we treat each change of blockquote level as starting a new
# sub-document, we get the same behavior.
for my $chunk (
$self->_split_chunks_on_regex( $bq, qr/^>(?: \p{SpaceSeparator} | \t )*\S/xm ) ) {
$self->_parse_text( \$chunk );
return 1;
my $PreLine = qr/ ^
sub _match_preformatted {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
my $pre = $1;
) if $self->debug();
$pre =~ s/^(?:\p{SpaceSeparator}{4}|\t)//gm;
$self->_send_event( Preformatted => text => $pre );
return 1;
my $Bullet = qr/ (?:
[\+\*\-] # unordered list bullet
\d+\. # ordered list number
sub _list_re {
my $self = shift;
my $block_start;
if ( $self->_list_level() ) {
$block_start = qr/(?: (?<= \n ) | $EmptyLines )/xm;
else {
$block_start = qr/ $BlockStart /xm;
my $list = qr/ $block_start
(?: .* \n )+?
return $list;
sub _match_list {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $list_re = $self->_list_re();
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
(?= # list ends with
$EmptyLine # ... an empty line
$HorizontalRule # ... followed by a horizontal rule
\S # ... or followed by content in column 1
(?! # ... which is not
$Bullet # ... a bullet
\s* # or end of the document
my $list = $1;
my $bullet = $2;
my $type = $bullet =~ /\d/ ? 'OrderedList' : 'UnorderedList';
) if $self->debug();
$self->_send_event( 'Start' . $type );
my $indent =
my @items = $self->_split_list_items($list);
for my $item (@items) {
$item =~ s/^ (?: $Bullet | \p{SpaceSeparator}{4} | \t )//xgm;
$self->_print_debug( "Parsing list item for blocks:\n[$item]\n" )
if $self->debug();
# This is a hack to ensure that the last item in a loose list (each
# item is a paragraph) also is treated as a paragraph, not just a list
# item.
if ( $item eq $items[-1] ) {
if ( @items > 1
&& $items[-2] =~ /^$EmptyLine\z/m ) {
"Treating last list item as a paragraph because previous item ends with empty line\n"
) if $self->debug();
else {
elsif ( $item =~ /^$EmptyLine\z/m ) {
$self->_print_debug("Treating item as a paragraph because it ends with empty line\n")
if $self->debug();
else {
$self->_parse_text( \$item );
$self->_send_event( 'End' . $type );
return 1;
sub _split_list_items {
my $self = shift;
my $list = shift;
my @items;
my @chunk;
for my $line ( split /\n/, $list ) {
if ( $line =~ /^$Bullet/ && @chunk ) {
push @items, join q{}, map { $_ . "\n" } @chunk;
@chunk = ();
push @chunk, $line;
push @items, join q{}, map { $_ . "\n" } @chunk
if @chunk;
return @items;
# A list item matches multiple lines of text without any separating
# newlines. These lines stop when we see a blockquote or indented list
# bullet. This match is only done inside a list, and lets us distinguish
# between list items which contain paragraphs and those which don't.
sub _match_list_item {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
> \p{SpaceSeparator}*
) if $self->debug();
if $self->_list_item_is_paragraph();
if $self->_list_item_is_paragraph();
return 1;
sub _match_paragraph {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $list_re = $self->_list_re();
# At this point anything that is not an empty line must be a paragraph.
return unless ${$text} =~ / \G
(?= $HorizontalRule )
(?= $TwoLineHeader )
(?= $AtxHeader )
(?= $list_re )
) if $self->debug();
return 1;
sub _split_chunks_on_regex {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $regex = shift;
my @chunks;
my @chunk;
my $in_regex = 0;
for my $line ( split /\n/, $text ) {
my $new_chunk;
if ( $in_regex && $line !~ $regex ) {
$in_regex = 0;
$new_chunk = 1;
elsif ( $line =~ $regex && !$in_regex ) {
$in_regex = 1;
$new_chunk = 1;
if ($new_chunk) {
push @chunks, join q{}, map { $_ . "\n" } @chunk
if @chunk;
@chunk = ();
push @chunk, $line;
push @chunks, join q{}, map { $_ . "\n" } @chunk
if @chunk;
return @chunks;
=head1 NAME
Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser - Block parser for standard Markdown
This class parses blocks for the standard Markdown dialect (as defined by
Daring Fireball and mdtest).
=head1 METHODS
This class provides the following methods:
=head2 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser->new( handler => $handler , span_parser => $span_parser )
Creates a new block parser object. You must provide a span parser object.
=head2 $block_parser->parse_document(\$markdown)
This method takes a reference to a markdown string and parses it for
blocks. Each block which contains text (except preformatted text) will be
parsed for span-level markup using this object's C<span_parser>.
=head1 ROLES
This class does the L<Markdent::Role::BlockParser>,
L<Markdent::Role::AnyParser>, and L<Markdent::Role::DebugPrinter> roles.
=head1 BUGS
See L<Markdent> for bug reporting details.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky, E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2009 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.