Moose::Manual::Attribute - Attribute Delegation
Delegation is a feature that lets you create create "shadow" methods that do nothing more than call some other method on an attribute. This is quite handy since it lets you simplify a complex set of "has-a" relationships and present a single unified API from one class.
With delegation, consumers of a class don't need to know about all the objects it contains, reducing the amount of API they need to learn.
Delegations are defined as a mapping between one or more methods provided by the "real" class (the delegatee), and a set of corresponding methods in the delegating class. The delegating class can re-use the method names provided by the delegatee or provide its own names.
Delegation is also a great way to wrap an existing class, especially a non-Moose class or one that is somehow hard (or impossible) to subclass.
Moose offers a number of options for defining a delegation's mapping, ranging from simple to complex.
The simplest form is to simply specify a list of methods:
package Website;
use Moose;
has 'uri' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'URI',
handles => [qw( host path )],
With this definition, we can call $website->host
and it "just works". Under the hood, Moose will call $website->uri->host
for you.
We can also define a mapping as a hash reference. This allows you to rename methods as part of the mapping:
package Website;
use Moose;
has 'uri' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'URI',
handles => {
hostname => 'host',
path => 'path',
In this example, we've created a $website->hostname
method, rather than using
's name, host
These two mapping forms are the ones you will use most often. The remainder are a bit more complex, and less common.
has 'uri' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'URI',
handles => qr/^(?:host|path|query.*)/,
This is similar to the array version, except it uses the regex to match against all the methods provided by the delegatee. In order for this to work, you must provide an isa
parameter for the attribute, and it must be a class. Moose uses this to introspect the delegatee class and determine what methods it provides.
You can use a role name as the value of handles
has 'uri' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'URI',
handles => 'HasURI',
Moose will introspect the role to determine what methods it provides and create a mapping for each of those methods.
Finally, you can also provide a sub reference to generate a mapping. You probably won't need this version often (if ever). See the Moose docs for more details on exactly how this works.
It is perfectly valid to delegate methods to an attribute which is not required or can be undefined. When a delegated method is called, Moose will throw a runtime error if the attribute does not contain an object.
Dave Rolsky <>
Copyright 2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.