Changes for version 0.25 - 2010-11-30

  • The test suite now uses Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception (Karen Etheridge).
  • Modernized tests to use Test::Requires and done_testing. (Dave Rolsky)
  • MooseX::Types::Combine is a little more efficient, and only tries to load the libraries it's combining when that list is set. It also checks that each lib in the list actually provides types. (Dave Rolsky).
  • The MooseX::Types docs now contain a pointer to MooseX::Types::Combine. (Dave Rolsky)


Organise your Moose types in libraries
Type library base class
Wrap Moose::Util::TypeConstraints to be safer for MooseX::Types
Combine type libraries for exporting
Types shipped with Moose
More flexible access to a Type Constraint
Represents a not yet defined type
Common utility functions for the module
Wrap exports from a library