Changes for version 0.59 - 2015-07-06

  • Allow _constructor_parameter_sets to return an empty list. Implemented by Philipp Gortan. (GitHub issue #47)
  • Error messages when Test::Class::Moose::Load cannot load a module now include stack traces. (GitHub issue #43)


Serious testing for serious Perl
Global registry of tags by class and method.
Configuration information for Test::Class::Moose
Execute tests in parallel (parallelized by instance)
Execute tests sequentially
Load Test::Class::Moose classes automatically.
Test information for Test::Class::Moose
Reporting on test classes
Reporting on test methods
Reporting object for timing
Test::Class::Moose for roles
Automatically load the classes you're testing
Common code for Runner classes
Deprecated parallel runner role - see docs for details
run tests against multiple instances of a test class
Reporting gathering role
Runner for Test::Class::Moose tests
A starting guide for Test::Class::Moose