Changes for version 1.07_91 - 2003-07-22
- Henrik refined his edge case fix to work on Win32, which apparently dislikes large negative signed ints. Tests now pass on Win32. More testing on other platforms is appreciated.
- Documented Time::Local's behavior when timelocal is called with an ambiguous local time. Some local times occur twice on the same day because a DST change causes the clock to move backwards one earlier. See "Ambiguous Local Times" in the docs for more details.
- Removed the statement under "BUGS" that the proclivity to croak() is probably a bug. It's not a bug, and it sure isn't going to change at this point in time, anyway!
Changes for version 1.07_90 - 2003-07-15
- Fixed behavior for edge cases like timegm(gmtime(0x7FFF_FFFF)), which should work even on platforms where time_t is signed. Patch from Henrik Gulbrandsen.
efficiently compute time from local and GMT time