Tutorial - RDF::Redland::DIG::Tutorial
RDF::Redland is a Perl wrapper around the Redland RDF libraries. RDF::Redland::DIG is a (Perl-only) extension to exchange information with a DIG reasoner, i.e. one which can be reached via the DIG protocol.
The following gives an overview over the API. To learn more you may want to consult the manpages
man RDF::Redland::DIG
for the reasoner itself, or
man RDF::Redland::DIG::KB
for the knowledge base hosted inside the reasoner.
Test Ontology
Before we can start with using the reasoning services, we have to create an RDF::Redland::Model to host the data. In the following, I created a simple test ontology inspired by the Protég©pizza ontology (
@prefix owl <> .
@prefix xsd <> .
@prefix rdfs <>.
@prefix rdf <>.
Pizza a owl:Class.
PizzaTopping a owl:Class.
CheesePizza a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf Pizza.
ProsciuttoPizza a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf Pizza.
CheeseTopping a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf PizzaTopping.
HamTopping a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf PizzaTopping.
TomatoTopping a owl:Class;
rdfs:subclassOf PizzaTopping.
hasIngredient a owl:ObjectProperty;
owl:inverseOf isIngredientOf.
hasTopping rdfs:subPropertyOf hasIngredient;
owl:inverseOf isToppingOf;
rdfs:domain Pizza;
rdfs:range PizzaTopping.
isIngredientOf a owl:ObjectProperty;
owl:inverseOf hasIngredient.
isToppingOf rdfs:subPropertyOf isIngredientOf;
owl:inverseOf hasTopping;
rdfs:domain PizzaTopping;
rdfs:range Pizza.
Apart from the ontological information, we can also add some instance data to play with:
Margharita a CheesePizza;
hasTopping MozarellaTopping.
MozarellaTopping a CheeseTopping;
isToppingOf Margharita.
The Model
If we assume that the above ontology and instance data is stored in an RDF file pizza.n3
, the we can load this file into a model:
use RDF::Redland::Parser;
my $parser = new RDF::Redland::Parser (undef, "application/rdf+xml")
or die "Failed to find parser";
use RDF::Redland::Storage;
my $storage = new RDF::Redland::Storage (
"new='yes', hash-type='bdb', dir='/where/ever/'")
or die "Failed to create RDF::Redland::Storage";
use RDF::Redland::Model;
my $model = new RDF::Redland::Model ($storage, "")
or die "Failed to create RDF::Redland::Model for storage";
my $uri = new RDF::Redland::URI ("file:///where/ever/pizza.n3");
$parser->parse_into_model ($uri, $uri, $model);
A detailed step-by-step tutorial for RDF::Redland can be found at .
The Reasoner and KB Handles
A DIG reasoner is a separate process, popular choices being pellet, Fact++. As the communication occurs via HTTP, we have to specify the URL when we create a handle to the reasoner:
use RDF::Redland::DIG;
my $digreasoner = new RDF::Redland::DIG ( "http://localhost:8081" )
or die "Failed to create RDF::Redland::DIG";
From then on we are able to create our own knowledge base. This can be easily done by requesting such from our $digreasoner:
my $kb = $digreasoner->kb;
This way, we can create as many knowledge bases as we need.
To fill our knowledge base $kb with data we tell it about our $model:
$kb->tell ($model) or die "Tell failed";
After having executed tell
, our $model
is stored in the knowledge base, we can start with the reasoning. In the following I will describe a few stereotypical methods. For further details on all available methods please have a look at the manual page of RDF::Redland::DIG::KB.
Concept Retrieval
For pure concept retrieval there are three methods available. One of them is the function allRoleNames
that returns all roles from our $model
warn Dumper $kb->allRoleNames;
The methods allConceptNames
and allIndividuals
work analogous.
To check, whether or not the relations between classes are satisfied, there are three methods available:
With unsatisfiable
we can retrieve a list of all those concepts, which are not satisfiable. Because there are no unsatisfiable concepts in our pizza ontology, we would get back an empty list:
warn Dumper $kb->unsatisfiable;
We can also query whether or not one concept subsumes another. To do that we have to provide a hash (reference) that contains the classes we want to check:
warn Dumper $kb->subsumes (\ %('Pizza' => ['PizzaTopping', 'CheesePizza']) );
'Pizza' => 'CheesePizza'
The result contains all those classes as values that indeed subsume the concept that is provided as key.
The third method disjoint
works the same way.
Concept Hierarchy
Furthermore, there are some methods regarding the hierarchy of concepts. If you want to know, for instance, the parents from a specific concept of our $model
, you can simply write:
warn Dumper $kb->parents ('CheesePizza', 'HamTopping');
'CheesePizza' => 'Pizza',
'HamTopping' => 'PizzaTopping'
You can also request information on children, descendants or ancestors from classes.
Role Hierarchy
Similar to the concept hierarchy methods, there are also role hierarchy functions available. This way you are able to retrieve information regarding the parents, children, ancestors or descendants of a specific role. If we want to know all children for a specific role in our $model
, we write:
warn Dumper $kb->rchildren ('isIngredientOf');
'isIngredientOf' => 'isToppingOf'
Queries about Individuals
For retrieving information about the relations between concepts, roles or individuals, there is also a bunch of methods available. We can query the instances from a specific class:
warn Dumper $kb->instances ('CheesePizza')
'CheesePizza' => 'Margharita'
We can retrieve information about individuals that are asserted to a specific (individual,role)-pair with the roleFillers
method. All we have to provide is one individual and one role as parameter and in return we get all individuals that are asserted as statement involving this pair:
warn Dumper $kb->roleFillers ('Margharita', 'hasTopping');
If we want to know which pairs of individuals are asserted to a given role, we use the method relatedIndividuals
warn Dumper $kb->relatedIndividuals ('hasTopping');
('Margharita', 'MozarellaTopping')
Variation: Procure your own User Agent
Sometimes you will want to use an HTTP user agent of your own making, be it for testing, caching, etc. In any case it will have to be a subclass of LWP::UserAgent.
If we assume that it is stored in $ua
, then you will need to provide it as a additional parameter when the reasoner handle is created:
my $digreasoner = new RDF::Redland::DIG ( "http://localhost:8081", ua => $ua )
or die "Failed to create RDF::Redland::DIG";
Variation: Concept Hierarchy Parameters
There are some alternatives regarding parameters when using the concept and role hierarchy methods.
As shown above, you can provide a specific concept or role as parameter and get all the information you want for those specified concepts/roles. If you want to create a general query on all existing concepts and roles from your model, you can leave the parameter blank.
For instance, if you want to have the parents from all concepts of our $model
, you can write:
warn Dumper $kb->parents;
'Pizza' => '',
'PizzaTopping' => '',
'CheesePizza' => 'Pizza',
'ProsciuttoPizza' => 'Pizza',
'CheeseTopping' => 'PizzaTopping',
'TomatoTopping' => 'PizzaTopping',
'HamTopping' => 'PizzaTopping'
Copyright 2008 by Lara Spendier and Robert Barta
Creative Commons Licence
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 30:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Protég©pizza'. Assuming CP1252