NAME - an AsTMa to XTM converter


cat map.atm | <command line switch>... > map.xtm


This filter consumes on STDIN a topic map written in AsTMa syntax as described at

and produces on STDOUT an XTM representation of this map. All conversion problems and warnings will go to STDERR.

Type 'help' within this shell to get an overview over available commands.


Following command line switches are understood by the program:


...does hopefully what you would expect.

undefined_topics (default: auto_complete)

This directive controls how the parser will react on topics which are mentioned but never defined in this AsTMa instance:

auto_complete will cause the topics to be created with some reasonable default baseName,
warn will create a warning for each use on STDERR,
ignore will do just this
copy-ids (default: no)

If on, then the converter will copy all IDs, not only of the topics into the XTM code. Currently not implemented.

basename-generation (default: remove blanks)

This feature will allow to customize how the basename is derived from the topic information. Currently, all dashes will be converted into blanks.

copy-default-psi (default: 1)

By default, the PSIs of default type, default scope are copied into the XTM code. As any XTM processor should add them when reading the XTM instance, they could be dropped without a loss of information

log-level (default: 0)

The log level determines the verbosity of the program for the STDERR output. This is for debugging mainly.

about (default: no)

The program will print out some information about the software itself, (version) and will terminate thereafter.

AsTMa (Asymptotic Topic Map), the Notation

Please refer to the online documentation


Copyright 2001, 2002, Robert Barta <>, All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.