XTM::Smile::SAX - AsTMa tag expansion


use XTM::Smile::SAX;
my $expander = new XTM::Smile::SAX   (tmbase => 'file:/where/are/the/maps/');
my $parser  = find a SAX parser here (Handler => $expander);


This package scans the SAX event stream for tags in the namespace

and expands them into tags of the namespace

according to the description below.


<?xml ....
   <astma:default astma:tau_expr="file:w3o.atm"/>
   <astma:slide astma:tid="w3c-user-interface"/>

will consult the man I<file:w3o.atm> and will return

<?xml ....
   <smile:slide smile:tid='w3c-user-interface'>
      <smile:title>User Interface Activity</smile:title>
      <smile:types><smile:type>W3C Activity</smile:type></smile:types>
      <smile:inlines><smile:inline>HTML, CSS1/2, XSL-FO/XSLT, WAI, SVG, I18N</smile:inline></smile:inlines>
      <smile:instances>test1, test2, test3</smile:instances>
         <smile:reference href='' type='simple' />
         <smile:reference href='' type='simple' />
         <smile:reference href='' type='simple' />

Following incoming tags are detected:


This signals the begin of a slide.

  • The mandatory attribute is tid, which must contain a topic id. If this particular topic does not exist in the current topic map, an error is flagged.

  • Optionally, the attribute format can be used to control the content of this slide.


With this tag, default values can be set via attributes which apply to all slides which may follow this tag:


The value of this attribute will be interpreted as tau expression according to XTM::Virtual.


This format will be used to control what every slide will contain from the topic. This format can be overridden for every individual slide. Formats are described below.


A format string describes what exactly should be included in the generated slide. The default format is

"%ti %ty %rd %ins %res"

and takes care that a title, types, inlines, instances and references are included on a slide in this particular order.

One format specifier is introduced with a '%' character, several such specifiers are separated bu one or more blanks. Following specifiers are honored:


Include a title tag containing the title of the slide. This is generated from the baseName of the topic. (Sorry, no scoping yet)

ty and tys:

This includes the types (instanceOf, to be exact) of the topic enclosed by a types tag. In case of ty, every instanceOf is embedded with its own type tag. In case of tys all these instanceOfs are concatenated to one string separated by ','.

rd and rds:

This includes the resourceData occurrences enclosed by the tag inlines. In case of rd, every such occurrence is wrapped into its own tag, inline. In case of rds, all strings are concatenated into one character string (again, separated by ',').

in, ins and inrds:

This includes the instances of this topic using the tag instances. In case of in, the individual instances are wrapped into separate instance tags. In case of ins, they are concatenated via ',' into one string. inrds behaves like in except that for every individual instance also its resourceData is included via nested description tags.


This includes the resourceRef occurrences via a references tag. Every individual occurrence is included via a reference tag. This tag is empty, but contains an xlink:href attribute containing the reference link.



Following fields can be passed:


This controls the base URL which will be used to derive an absolute URL for the Topic Map to be loaded, in case the provided URL was relative.


The same for Topic Maps in the tm: space.


An Topic Map expression as described in XTM::Virtual. The resulting map will be used as a default unless another map is provided via a astma:map attribute (see below)


This format string will serve as default if (a) either no slide-wide format has been specified or (b) no slide-specific format can be found.


This filter captures following SAX events and propagates them to the next filter:



Copyright 2002, Robert Barta <>, All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See