hostinfo for modules, IPs, files, everything anything storage upgradable to sticky schemas

modules create a view div, fill it with spans the spans' ids reach back to the module and/or controller it came from passing it the whole element and "click" or whatever lets eval everything from a WebSocket on the client

new screens/websockets attached to screen/tx

by the event dispatch... we see the waters edge blowing up and coming back down in a linguatic clang here to think about what to do

need to error check client side javascript

Texty, sending things through hostinfo awaits knowing about which screen its on handled by whatever provisions the viewport

the modes that programs go through... - like awaiting event

dump hostinfo to a file (in another window)

going into the jungle horizontal come out vertical again and pick up the dream

the tri is a point of balance

everything exists from two places

the unfolding along the texty line... jostling into space

yep line jostling span spannering space building program cursor tubes of where what & how

Devel::ebug interface slurpy other programs

Codo is one whole universe of code flip through them, prepare another program execution behind the one the user is looking at so you can say, go here, what's this, watch this, find the pathway of its whole existence

put the view on a screen

wow t pus Lyrico

we can sell Tolaga water to the Russians at $300 bucks a pop

keypress catcher: $(document).keydown(function(e){ if (e.keyCode==90 && e.ctrlKey) $("body").append("<p>ctrl+z detected!</p>"); });

something like that

we want to give away the whole internet but you have to become a member at $5/month so we know who you are the you can have it

facilitating human attachment

there's a greenhouse in London that cycles a whole day of mountain air underground and blows the cool night air over the plants during the day cos that's their environment

String::Koremutake instead of urls

tip, travel, the wake of

ebuge is supposed to run Devel::ebug and speak when it gets the chance via websocket or maybe via http if that's not going to work...