Oak::Application - Class for creating applications in Oak
my $app = new Oak::Application
"MyApp::TopLevel1" => "TopLevel1.xml",
"MyApp::TopLevel2" => "TopLevel2.xml",
"MyApp::TopLevel3" => "TopLevel3.xml",
"default" => "MyApp::TopLevel1"
$app->run; # abstract in Oak::Application
This is the class that will be used to create real applications, the executable file will launch it.
- constructor
This method was overwrited to create all the objects passed to new. The objects it creates will be available in the namespace ::TL. ie: If one toplevel component have the name pagLogin, its object will be available as $::TL::pagLogin.
The exceptions generated by Oak::Component wont be treated here, so, they will propagate to the first level.
Exceptions generated by Oak::Application Oak::Application::Error::DuplicatedTopLevel - toplevel components have the same name Oak::Application::Error::ClassNotFound - toplevel class not found in lib
Overwrited to undef the objects created in the ::TL namespace.
- run
Abstract in Oak::Application, each type of application will implement how they run.
The following exceptions are introduced by Oak::Application
- Oak::Application::Error::ClassNotFound
This error is throwed when the class passed as parameter to the new failed to be required.
- Oak::Application::Error::DuplicatedTopLevel
This error is throwed when two toplevel components have the same name
Too early to determine. :)
Copyright (c) 2001 Daniel Ruoso <> All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.